No 3 Muslim Scholars

Call for Peace


In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]




Muslim Scholars

Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Allah was Lone Entity with enormous Powers and attributes and He (SWT) wanted to bestow His (SWT) Blessings where He (SWT) created mankind  to be His (SWT) viceroy on earth. The connotation of Hadith e Qudsi is where Allah told Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW):

I was a hidden Treasure.

I wished to be recognised.

So I created Jinn and Inss.

[Spirits and mankind]

Brothers and Sisters! As the mankind was sent in this world for a test so Allah Knew that he will digress from the Right Path so Allahused to commission Anbiyya e Karam (Prophets) so that the digressed people can revert to Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Anbiyya e Karam used to educate and train their followers who will become heir of the Anbiyya and keep promoting the Message of Allah to the on coming generations.

Brothers and Sisters! Mohamed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) is Khatim ul Anbiyya (Last Prophet). So Ulema e Karam are Heir of Prophet Mohammed  (SAW).

Brothers and Sisters! People are inclined to listen to Ulema (scholars) rather than a layman. For this reason I have written letters to Muslim Ulema e Karam so that they can promote project: Call for Peace through their sermons, speeches and writings.

May Allah be with You


[May Allah Bless You]