No 2 Letter 10 08 12 RD

Call for Peace


In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]



10 August 2012

Dear Mr Dawkins

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Mr Dawkins! It was an open fact that you do not believe in the Existence of Allah but I needed some documentary evidence. I was browsing your profile on Google and I came across the extract as below:

Dawkins is an atheist, a vice president of the British Humanist Association, and a supporter of the Brights movement. He is well known for his criticism of creationism and intelligent design. In his 1986 book The Blind Watchmaker, he argues against the watchmaker analogy, an argument for the existence of a supernatural creator based upon the complexity of living organisms. Instead, he describes evolutionary processes as analogous to a blind watchmaker. He has since written several popular science books, and makes regular television and radio appearances, predominantly discussing these topics. In his 2006 book The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion—”a fixed false belief”. As of January 2010, the English-language version has sold more than two million copies and had been translated into 31 languages.

Mr Dawkins! John Humphrys,renowned journalist and broadcaster conducted a programme on BBC Radio 4: Humphrys in Search of God where he interviewed three scholars of main faiths Christianity, Judaismand Islam to convince him if Allah exists.

Mr Dawkins! John Humphrys could not be convinced by any of the scholars which led him to write a book: In God We Doubt: Confession of a Failed Atheist.

Mr Dawkins! In the year 2006 I entered in correspondence with John Humphrys which led me to create an option: Humphrys in Search of Allah on website:

Mr Dawkins! John Humphrys wrote me letter in the year 2007 advising me that he has written a book: In God We Doubt: Confession of a Failed Atheist. In response to his letter with Toffeeq (Help) of Allah I wrote an article: Allah Exists and wrote covering letters I did not receive any reply from Mr Humphrys. It may be that my letter did not reach him as BBC is a big organization where letters could be mislaid.

Mr Dawkins! The concept of Existence of Allah has been controversial since Day One.

Mr Dawkins! What made me to embark upon Call for Peace, please read the links under heading Profile on website:

Mr Dawkins! Please read the data under option: Allah Exists on website: I believe the study of letters to John Humphrys and article: Allah Exist may help you to change your belief from non – believer to believer in the Existence of Allah.

Mr Dawkins! The centre point of the article is that if human mind is not under the control of one’s ownself then he is under the control of an Unseen Force. A non – believer and agnostic mind attribute his action to ‘Nature’ which is also Unseen.

Mr Dawkins! Alhamdu’lillah (all Praises to Allah)! I listened to the three interviews of John Humphrys with the scholars of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. John Humphrys wanted to believe in the Existence of Allah. In one of his interviews he stated:

J Humphrys: Let us get back to my search which the programme is supposed to be but I suppose I can say to you , will say to you, I want to believe, I have opened my heart, if you like I gone down on my knees night after night and I have tried talking to god and I have failed. Why can’t I say: wait a minute you have faith lucky chap. I want it and I want to perhaps just as ancillary as you do.

Mr Dawkins! In view of the above statement it appears every Atheist and Agnostic mind wants to believe in the Existence of Allah but he wants to believe in Him (Allah) with reasons.

Mr Dawkins! Allah is Aleem (Knower of everything). So Allah Knew that human mind will ponder to look for reason to believe in Him. So He (Allah) revealed in the Qur’an that human mind should look within himself to believe in the Lone Entity of Allah:

Translation Surah Adh – Dhariyat Verse no. 20 -21

And on earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty. And also (signs) in your ownselves. Will you not then see?

Mr Dawkins! Alhamdu’lillah (All praises to Allah)! The Article: Allah Exists deal with the aspects which can help to believe in the Unseen Force that can be no other than Allah.

Translation Surah At Tur Verse no. 14

Were they created by nothing? Or were they themselves the creators?

Mr Dawkins! The context and substance of the above Verse is that if Allah is not the Creator then is the human being creator of himself which is impossible.

Mr Dawkins! You have read the books on the subject of Biology and concentrated to make research upon the genes, species which, in fact, has made you to deny the existence of Allah.

Mr Dawkins! Please acknowledge the receipt of the letter. Thereafter, when you have studied the article and letters to John Humphrys then let me know about your views about the Existence of Allah. However, if you are still adamant in your beliefs i.e. being non believer then let me know with reasons that how you can be control of yourself by yourself because you would not believe that an Unseen Force is in control of your actions.


Mr Dawkins! I have browsed your profile on the Google and also viewed some of your videos. You are ethnologist and evolutionary biologist, the research of genes and species have made you so much adamant that Allah does not exist and you composed a book: The God Delusion. So it appears that you may not read the article with an open mind.

Mr Dawkins! However, you are a renowned personality and have influenced minds of lot of people all over the world.

Mr Dawkins! The concept of Existence of Allah has been controversial issue since Day One. But in this Scientific Age it has become even more controversial. It is likely that you will try to find answers to the questions in the article to repudiate the Existence of Allah and you will promote this website: to the members of RDFand also other organisations of non – believers so that they can also join you to repudiate the existence of Allah.

Mr Dawkins! Insha’allah (Allah Willing)! I shall view your videos i.e. interviews, debates etc. and try to repudiate your reasons rationally to prove the Existence of Allah.

Mr Dawkins! For the time being please consider about the following representations.

Mr Dawkins! You are believer of Darwinian theory

Dawkins describes his childhood as “a normal Anglican upbringing”. He was confirmed, and embraced Christianity until his mid-teens, at which point he concluded that the theory of evolution was a better explanation for life’s complexity, and ceased believing in a god. Dawkins states: “the main residual reason why I was religious was from being so impressed with the complexity of life and feeling that it had to have a designer, and I think it was when I realised that Darwinism was a far superior explanation that pulled the rug out from under the argument of design. And that left me with nothing

Mr Dawkins! So far as creation of the universe is concerned either you believe in Big Bang or agree with the Philosopher Aristotle who concluded that the universe has been in existence forever and supported his assertion:

Something eternal is more perfect than something created.


Mr Dawkins! In short, the Big Bang theory is there was a ‘vacuum’ and gases were roaming around for millions of years and there was a point when all the gases were mixed in such ratios that there was a Big Bang and the universe came into existence.

The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model that explains the early development of the Universe. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. This rapid expansion caused the Universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. According to the most recent measurements and observations, the Big Bang occurred approximately 13.75 billion years ago, which is thus considered the age of the Universe. After its initial expansion from a singularity, the Universe cooled sufficiently to allow energy to be converted into various subatomic particles, including protons  neutrons, and electrons. While protons and neutrons combined to form the first atomic nuclei only a few minutes after the Big Bang, it would take thousands of years for electrons to combine with them and create electrically neutral atoms. The first element produced was hydrogen, along with traces of helium and lithium. Giant clouds of these primordial elements would coalesce through gravity to form stars and galaxies, and the heavier elements would be synthesized either within stars or during supernovae.

Mr Dawkins! Gases are creations so there have to have origin when they started to roam in the vacuum. Vacuum is also is a creation.

Mr Dawkins! Can you imagine a state what it would have been like before the vacuum came into existence? Certainly no one can imagine a state before the vacuum came into existence.

Mr Dawkins! So if one cannot imagine the state before the existence of vacuum then mind has to believe that it was Entity of Allah. Allah is Nur (Light). It was Entity of Allah. Mr Dawkins! Alhamdu’lillah (All Praises to Allah)! Allah has revealed His (SWT) identity in Qur’an which depicts that before the creation of anything it was Entity of Allah:

Translation Surah An-Nur
Verse no 35

Allah is the Nur (Light) of the heavens and the earth.

Mr Dawkins! Light and darkness are creations. So assuming it was not the Entity of Allah then what would have been the state before the creation of the universe. Can anyone imagine?

Mr Dawkins! Allah also revealed that He (SWT) is First and Last in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Al Hadid Verse no 3

He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of everything.

Mr Dawkins! Allah had enormous powers which He (SWT) wanted to expose. The connotation of Hadith e Qudsi is where Allah told Khatim ul Anbiyya (The Last Prophet) Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW):

I was a hidden Treasure.

I wished to be recognised.

So I created Jinn and Inss.

[Spirits and Mankind]

Mr Dawkins! Spirits and mankind had to keep body and soul together. For this reason Allah created Universe which is revealed in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Al A’raf Verse no 54

Indeed your Lord is Allah Who created heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He rose over (Istawa) the Arsh (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He brings the night a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created) the sun, the moon, the stars subjected to His Command. Surely, His is the Creations and Commandment. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn, and all that exists).


Mr Dawkins! In short, if one cannot imagine that what the state would have been like before the universe was created then he has to believe that it was Entity of Allah and He (SWT) created this Universefor the mankind.


Mr Dawkins! If you agree with Philosopher Aristotle that the universe is in existence forever on the basis that;

Something eternal is more perfect than something created.

then why the mind cannot believe that Allah’s Entity in existence forever on the same basis:

Something eternal is more perfect than something created.

Mr Dawkins! Allah has revealed in the Qur’an that He (SWT) is perfect in every respect:

Surah Al Mulk Verse no. 1

Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion; and He is Able to do all things.


Mr Dawkins! It is believed that the believers of Allah  have not taken the right approach to prove the Existence of Allah. They have based their arguments on the basis of supernatural qualities of the creations of the universe which are submissive to man. Mankind is Ashraf ul Makhlukat (the Most Superior) among the creations. To convince one’s own mind that Allah Exists he should look within himselfto and that is what has been advised by Allah in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Adh – Dhariyat Verse no. 20 -21

And on earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty. And also (signs) in your ownselves. Will you not then see?

Mr Dawkins! Alhamdu’lillah (All Praises to Allah)! The article has been devoted to prove the Existence of Allah rationally by the analysis of human behavior.

Mr Dawkins! Allah is Great. Once one believes in the Existence of Allah then he can judge His (SWT) Greatness by the analysis of the properties of the creations. For example: you are ethnologist and evolutionary biologist. Once you had made analysis of the genes and species of the animals and produces the properties would have amazed you and then you should have attributed to Allah which is recognition of His (SWT) Greatness and Magnificence.

Mr Dawkins! Once one believes in the Existence of Allahand His (SWT) Greatness then he will submit to Him (SWT) i.e. follow His (SWT) Guidance.

Mr Dawkins! You are among very learned men. Because of your research and qualifications people trust you and this is how you have a big forum who does not believe in the Existence of Allah. Why they believe in you because they believe that your research cannot be wrong.


Mr Dawkins! Please read the article Allah Exists on website: under option: Allah Exists along with letters to John Humphrys with an open mind. It may be that there is a click and then you will revert to Allah and then the aspects you are attributing to Natureyou will attribute to Allah.

Mr Dawkins! When you will read my profile on the website you will learn that I studied to be a chartered accountant. The soul of professional accountancy is independence and analysis. Once there was a click then the quality of Independence and analysis is being used in the analysis of Qur’an and Hadithand had led to development of websites at international level which you will learn when you will log on to website:

Mr Dawkins! I look forward to hear from you.


[May Allah Bless You]


Mr Dawkins! This letter has been uploaded under option: Allah Exists link: Promotion on website: where people all over the world can read it.