Bandagi of Allah

Call for Peace



بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم



In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful


How to Teach






Bandagi of Allah (SWT)


9 August 2021


Farooq Sahib!


Assalam o Alleyykum!


Farooq Sahib! Couple of weeks ago we had exchanged views after a long time. During our exchange of view the question
of Downfall of Muslim Ummah
was emerged. In short, the conclusion was to the effect that Deen e Islam
originated from Hazrat Adam
(PBUH) and completed upon Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah
(SAW) by the Lone Entity of Allah (SWT):




Farooq Sahib!
Deen e Islam
is represented by Qur’an and Hadith. Qur’an is Word of Allah and Hadith is Tafseer of the Qur’an. The Hadith is Tafseer of Qur’an, is revealed in the Qur’an:



Farooq Sahib! The scope
of the Word of Allah
is Unlimited that is revealed in the Qur’an:


Farooq Sahib! In the Last Sermon
Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah
(SAW) mentioned to the effect:


Farooq Sahib! Ulema e Karam say that the



means that with the passage of time the ‘Status Quo’ i.e. Zamana will keep changing due to Scientific
where the properties of the Word of Allah
will be explored by the people who were
present in the Last Sermon
and people will not digress from the Right Path. As below is the extract from Book of Knowledge
where Muslims, with the Grace of Allah, explored the properties in every field:


The Saracens were excellent craftsmen. The sword blades of Toledo and Damascus were world renowned. Equal skill was shown in the fashioning of vases, lamps, and other articles of copper, bronze, and silver; in the weaving of carpets and rugs, which are still unsurpassed; and in moulding of fine glass and pottery.

A leading form of Muslim art was developed in architecture. The arabesque decoration of walls, carpets, hangings etc., took the place of drawings of the human figure, a form of art severely restricted by tradition in Islam.

Sweetmeats, syrups essences, and perfumes were produced. Paper, without which invention of printing would have been valueless, came to Europe through Muslims. The finest leather goods came from Cordova and Morocco.

In literature, particularly poetry, and in science the Muslims attained a high degree of development. The University of Cairo at one time had 12,000 students. In Spain in the 10 century a library of 400,000 manuscripts is said to have been collected. Learned Arabs did much to preserve and spread the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle, after he had been all but forgotten in Western Europe. In mathematics, especially algebra, Muslims scholars led the world. The so – called “Arabic” numerals used today were introduced into Europe by Arab scholars who brought them from India.

In Astronomy, medicine, and chemistry they made various notable advances. The richness and grace of the characteristic Muslim architecture are evident in many lands, from Spain to India.


The above extracts clearly depict that the base for the progress in technology
which involved the study of invisible forces of the universe was made by the Muslims by the study of the Qur’an, the
Word of Allah’.

The secret behind the above achievements is that when the Muslims used to concentrate their minds on meaning of the Ayats of the Qur’an, they in fact were devoting their attention to Allah (SWT), whereby the connection is developed between the Muslim and Allah (SWT). As the Muslim is in the learning process, so Allah (SWT) kept on exposing the properties hidden within the Ayats of the Qur’an, which was then ascribed and that kept on being forwarded to the future generations.

Farooq Sahib! In short, under the influence of Naffas and Shaitan, Ulema e Karam has limited
the scope of Qur’an and Hadith to recite the Ayats of the Qur’an and Text of Hadith and translated and elaborated the Ayats of the Qur’an and Text of Hadith. They did not and do not extract an outline from the Ayats of the Qur’an
and Text of Hadith that how the Guidance of Allah (SWT) becomes part of every moment of our daily life
to become a ‘Good Muslim’
and get closer to Allah (SWT).


Farooq Sahib! In short, Alhamdu’lillah! The project: Call for Peace
deals with the issues emerging or developing under the light of Qur’an and Hadith in ‘Rational’
manner. For Example:


Analysis of American Politics


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! It has been making analysis of ‘American Politics’
since year 2008 with a view to convey the Message of Allah
at international level and it is uploaded on the website:


USA Supreme Court Associate Justice Nominees


Farooq Sahib! In short, before an Associate Justice is qualified to become part of the Supreme Court
of USA, he has to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee if he is fit
to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of USA.


Farooq Sahib! When, in the year 2018, the name of Judge Brett Kavanaugh
was proposed by Republican President Donald J Trump
to be part of the Supreme Court, Dr Christine Margaret Blasey Ford
accused him of sexually assaulting her at a party in the summer of the year 1982. In short, Republicans had majority in the Senate so he was confirmed to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of USA.


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
was watching the hearing from beginning to end. It was very much clear like a day light that the accusations
of Dr Christian Margaret Blasey Ford were correct.


Farooq Sahib! During the hearing reference was made about Judge Clarence Thomas
that when he was nominated by Republican president H W Bush
in the year 1991 he was also was accused of by Professor Anita Hill
that she was sexually harassed by Judge Clarence Thomas at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
In short, Judge Clarence Thomas was confirmed to be the Associate Justice of Supreme Court of USA as the Republicans had the majority in the Senate.


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
watched the video clips on the website:
and copied the transcript
of the hearing from Google and with the Grace of Allah (SAW) proved that both Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Judge Clarence Thomas were guilty of the charges made against them of sexually assaulting
Dr Christian Margaret Blasey and sexually harassing
Professor Anita Hill.


Farooq Sahib!
Articles were drafted and are uploaded on website: under the following options:


  • Supreme Court


  • Judge Thomas


  • Anita Hill


  • Mark Judge


  • Dr Ford


  • Judge Kavanaugh


  • Precedent


  • Promotion


  • Letters


Farooq Sahib! The senators of both parties: Republican and Democrats were informed by email
and letter was sent by post to the Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court of USA John Roberts. There was no response.


Farooq Sahib! Please, just scroll through the articles
under above options that will depict that how much Allah’s help
is with project: Call for Peace.


Basic Beliefs of Islam


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah!! It has composed following books upon the Basic Beliefs
of Islam in Rational manner. Alhamdu’lillah! You had bought the books while you were chairman COMSAT at Abbottabad for the university library.


Inside of Muslim Ummah


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! It has composed following books to expose the inside of Islamic Heads of States, Deeni Rehnuma and Muslim Ummah
based upon the correspondence with them:


Inside of UK Public Authorities


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! It has composed book based on the correspondence with the Public Authorities
and Royal Family of the United Kingdom:


The Public Authorities: Servants or Masters?


Terror or Catastrophe?


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! It had written manuscript of the book: The incident on 11 September 2001: Incident or Catastrophe? to stop the attack on Afghanistan by USA and his allies. But it could not be published as USA and its allies had attacked Afghanistan.


Protection of Namoos e Rissalat


Farooq Sahib! When in the year 2005 the Danish
newspapers published reservation about the Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah
(SAW), Alhamdulillah!
Call for Peace
composed the book:



Farooq Sahib! When in the year 2007 Pope Benedict
XVI expressed his reservations in delivering lecture at Southern Germany at the University of Regensburg:


Show me just what Mohammed (SAW) brought that was new, and there you will find things evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
composed an article and sent copies to Muslim and Non – Muslim Heads of States, religious organisation, Ulema and otherwise. This article and the letters to heads of states and otherwise are uploaded on website:
under option: Namoos e Rissalat.


Child Trafficking


Farooq Sahib! In the year 2007 a British
three year old girl Madeline McCann
was kidnapped in Portugal. Project: Call for Peace created an option: Kidnap of Madeline
and wrote articles how to combat Child Trafficking.


Humphreys In Search of Allah


Farooq Sahib!
John Humphreys
interviewed Christian, Jew and Muslim Scholars to convince him if Allah Exists. Alhamdu’lillah! Call for Peace listened to the interviews and corresponded with John Humphreys. He replied the first letter with remarks:


I have been a journalist for almost half a century and a broadcaster for more than forty years and in all that time I have never received a response anything like this.


I can’t deny that I enjoy a good argument. That’s what I do for a living. But I do assure you that this was a genuine attempt to try to get at a deeper truth. I was (and am) open to persuasion.

Allah Exist


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
created and option: Humphreys in Search of Allah
under website:
and created option: Allah Exists
under website: Letters were written to heads of states, religious organizations, and scholars and otherwise.


Farooq Sahib! The article Allah Exists
consists of more than 100
pages and Alhamdu’lillah! With the Grace of Allah (SWT) it has ‘Rationally’
proved that the Lone Entity
of Allah Exists.




Farooq Sahib!
Salam Rushdie’s
name was in the Honours List. In short, Project: Call for Peace
created and option: Blasphemy under website: The letters were sent to heads of states, religious organizations, and scholars and otherwise.




Farooq Sahib! In the year 2004 the government of France was in the process of debating a Bill to ban Hijab
in state schools. Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
wrote article: Hijab and sent by post to President of France Chirac, Prime Minister of UK Tony Blair. The article is uploaded on website: under option: Articles.




Farooq Sahib! In the year 2006, Jack Straw
the leader of the house at the time, raised the issue that Muslim women ought not to wear Niqab. Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
wrote article: Niqab
and sent copies to Jack Straw
and leaders of the UK political parties. The article is uploaded on website: under option: Articles.


Tuition Fee


Farooq Sahib! In the year 2004 the UK government debated to introduce ‘Tuition Fee’ to £3,000
as from year 2007. Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
wrote article: Education and sent copies to UK government, political parties and student union. The article is uploaded on website:
under option: Articles.


Message of Allah to Non – Muslim


Farooq Sahib! In short, Call for Peace
happened to be friends with Roman Catholic Family in at Vicenza in Italy. Their beliefs were discussed and logically proved that they are not
right. The idea was that they revert
to Deen e Islam. In short, their comments were to the effect:


We know that our beliefs are wrong but

those are difficult to change.


Farooq Sahib! It is believed that Call for Peace visited them in the year 1998. They were asked to pen their views about the visit. Their views are part of the Lecture to Students of COMSAT towards the end:










Farooq Sahib! What you are being told is that. Alhamdu’lillah! The Project: Call for Peace
is following the message of the Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah



Farooq Sahib! If the website: is browsed it will be seen that the current issues
are dealt with under the light of Qur’an and Hadith
with a view to convey Message of Allah
at international level.


Thoughts after the Phone Call Ended


Farooq Sahib! It is natural phenomenon that once exchange of views takes place then one thinks about how the issues can be tackled.


Farooq Sahib! The thought emerged that the data created, with the Grace of Allah (SWT) represents the Message of Allah
and that the name: Call for Peace
has reached all over the world
but it has not come on the scene, what mode need to be adopted where it starts to grow in the minds of Muslims and Non – Muslims.


Farooq Sahib! The mind travelled back to the year 2006 when, in short, you, with the Grace of Allah, arranged a lecture at COMSAT University in Abbottabad.


Farooq Sahib! Students are ‘Masons’ of the future. The thought emerged that lectures ought to be delivered to the students securing ‘Higher Education’. But it did not appear to be possible as due to Covit 19 and other circumstances visit to Pakistan is possible. But Allah’s help arrived. The thought emerged that student can listen. They can listen face to face or listen to recorded message. Why not avail the facility of ‘Whats’up’ i.e. Call for Peace rings Dr Saleem Farooq and he places his phone in front of the mike of the ‘Loud Speaker’ and students can listen and the object shall be achieved i.e. conveying Message of Allah to the ‘Masons of the Future’.


Farooq Sahib! I rang you couple of days ago and dished my thoughts
to you. In short, Alhamdu’lillah! you agreed to have lecture delivered through Whats’up in September when next semester will start.


What the Message of Allah Will Consist of?


Farooq Sahib! In short, the lecture will extract the knowledge from ‘Back of students’ minds‘ i.e. when they will listen the lecture they will not
find anything ‘New’
but, unconsciously they will realize that this was already in their minds but had been erased. The topics will be as follows:


  • What is the object of studies


  • How the data is and can be discovered about the forces between heavens and the earth.


  • How to save
    knowledge in mind achieved through lectures, observations and experiments.


  • Recognition of Lone Entity of Allah (SWT), rationally.


  • Students are obliged to perform Salat five times a day only. They are not in a position to pay Zakat or perform Hajj. So for Fasting is concerned, they are obliged to keep Fast in the month of Ramadan.


  • Unseen Forces
    are with them every moment
    of their lives but it is not realized


  • Bounties of Allah:


    • Speaking


    • Balancing of actions every moment of their lives e.g. when stepping on the stairs they have to balance to save them not falling from the stairs


    • Eating


    • Relieving nature


    • Wadu


    • Taking bath to refresh


    • Water


    • Barakah in Rizq


    • Teeth


    • Salvia



  • Tazkiyya e Naffas


  • Glance


  • Properties of living Makhlooq other than human being


  • Every Makhlooq has its duties and responsibilities


  • Naffas and Shaitan


  • Hard work to achieve education.


  • Determination to achieve goal


  • Relaxation of mind


  • How to keep healthy


  • Mankind is the ‘Best’
    of all creations


  • Love of Allah (SWT and Anbiyya e Karam


  • Etc.


Farooq Sahib! Please forward
this email to your wife Dr Robina Farooq
and honour me with your views on the subject matter


Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! Allah shall bestow His Barkat
and Rehmat while lecture is being delivered.


Farooq Sahib! As below is an outline to convey Message of Allah
all over the world:


  • Please have the lecture recorded and then arrange to have it uploaded on website:


  • Alhamdu’lillah! The first
    lecture will be success. Then Dr Robina Farooq
    can arrange to have the lecture delivered at Faisalabad University.


  • As COMSAT and Faisalabad
    University have liaison with other colleges and universities, so it can introduce Call for Peace
    to have the lectures delivered through Whats’up to the respective Education Centers.


  • Arrangements can be made to deliver lecture
    once a month to every education center on different topics of Haqooq Allah
    and Haqooq ul Ibad.


  • After the lecture is delivered its ‘text’ and ‘essence’ will be reduced to writing and uploaded on website: To pen the lecture will be in accordance with the revelations in the Qur’an:



  • Every lecture shall be uploaded on website:
    where it can be listened
    all over the world.


Before First lecture is delivered


Farooq Sahib! Before the first lecture is delivered, please take the following steps:


  • brief the students the what type of lecture
    will be delivered to honour Haqooq Allah
    and Haqooq ul Ibad
    while they are securing Artistic and Scientific education,


  • please ask the students and lecturers to read articles by logging in website: under option:


  • Students


  • Perspective


  • Preface


  • Lecture


  • Message to Students


  • Please ask the students
    and lecturers to read articles by logging in website:


    • Education:


    • Sharia Education


    • Artistic and Scientific


    • Letter to Scientists



Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! This letter shall also be uploaded on website: under option: Education where students and read this letter as well.


Farooq Sahib! When the students and lecturers
will read the above articles it will become the ‘Base’ to expect what type of lecture shall be delivered and the ‘essence’
of the ‘Message of Allah’
will penetrate in their hearts
and minds and they will try to be successful in their life in this world and life hereafter:



سب انسان مردہ ہیں۔

زندہ وہ ہیں جو علم والے ہیں۔

علم والے سوئے ہوئے ہیں۔

بیدار وہ ہیں جو عمل والے ہیں۔

تمام عمل والے گھاٹے میں ہیں۔

فائدے میں وہ ہیں جو اخلاص والے ہیں۔

سب اخلاص والے خطرے میں ہیں۔

کامیاب وہ ہیں جو تکبر سے پاک ہیں۔


امام غزالی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ





Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! With the passage of time, the time will come, when the government
of Pakistan
shall be petitioned to make the study of the articles on website: and part of the Syllabus of ‘Higher Education’. As the object of project: Call for Peace
is to convey Message of Allah
at international level, every state of the world will make this part of the Syllabus of every ‘Education Center’.


Farooq Sahib!
Yes! It is long shot
and seems impossible
to achieve in view of what is going on in the world:


  • In Saudi Arabia, where Deen e Islam
    originated, a city named ‘Neon’ is under construction where every type of ‘Luxury’
    will be provided and there will not be Islamic Jurisdiction
    in the city Neon. Moreover, women are not obliged in Hijab or Niqab. And they can drive cars independently and go outside the house and abroad without the permission of parents and husbands.


  • In United Arab Emirate there are wine bars, casinos, night clubs, even shops which sell Pig Meat.


  • In Pakistan, that emerged on the map of the world based upon Kalima Tayyibah:



Every type of Axis of Evil is being promoted.


Farooq Sahib! But consider the status quo of 1,400 years
ago. More or less, every human being, except few, had digressed from the Right Path. For the first 13 years
in Makkah the digressed people forced Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah
(SAW) to migrate from Makkah to Madina. There had been many wars by the digressed people to erase the name of Islam. But eventually, the Haq prevailed and Batil was defeated.



Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! Project: Call for Peace
originated, more or less, 35 years
ago, with the Grace of Allah (SWT). It has been based upon Qur’an and Hadith. The ‘Circumstantial Evidence’
depicts that it will come on the scene through ‘Whats’up’
and your wife have been chosen to do this job:


Farooq Sahib! Pakistan was intended to be the Fort of Islam. As below is the extract from the book:



Farooq Sahib!
Alhamdu’lillah! The time will come when the memory of ‘Fateh Makkah’ shall be refreshed:



Farooq Sahib! To deliver lecture through ‘Whats’up’ is the ‘First Step’
to extract the ‘Pact’ that was entered on Day One
between Lone Entity of Allah (SWT) and the mankind:


Farooq Sahib! It is just like the one who wants to go around the world ‘On Foot’ which appears to be an impossible
task. But when he is out of the house with the intention
to travel around the world ‘On Foot’
his ‘First Step’
is to achieve the ‘Goal’.




Farooq Sahib! In short, Alhamdu’lillah! There appears every possibility that this approach, i.e. delivering lectures
through Whats’up will bring the project: Call for Peace
on the scene as the name Call for Peace has reached all over the world and

and your

will be the ‘Pioneers’.


دعاؤں میں یاد رکھیں




نصیر عزیز


پرنسپل امن کی پکار