No 1 Letter 10 08 12 MR

Call for Peace


In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]



Molana Rashid Sahib

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

I am Naseer Aziz. You will recall that some years ago when you were going for Umrah I requested you to write a review of my book: As Salat: Why As Salat is Part of Mankind’s Life and you honoured me.

Molana Rashid! I studied to be a chartered accountant. Alhamdu’lillah! The direction of life started to change i.e. search for the Right Path at Zakria Masjidin the year 1982.

Molana Rashid! I had my accountancy practice is association with Yaqoob Patel who is now a renowned personality of Bolton as his network of Pharmacy: Cohen is spread in the North of England.

Molana Rashid! Listening to the sermons of Molana Saeed Ahmed Palanpuri at Tayyaba Masjid in month of Ramadan for a number of years, introduction with Tabligi Jamat and reading studying analyzing religious books along with elaboration of Qur’an
Hadith led me to write books upon the basics of Islam which has resulted in set up of websites:

Molana Rashid! In short, the basic and fundamental concept of Deen e Islam i.e. Lone Entity Allah is controversial since Day One due to the Sensual Appetite and interference of Shaitan. In this scientific age non – existence of Allah is being promoted openly.

Molana Rashid! When you will log on to website: and read the links of the option Allah Exist, you will gather that with the Toffeeq (Help) of Allah, the Existence of Allah has proved rationally. You will also see that to promote the concept of Allah Exists letters have been written to authorities of the United Kingdom:

Mr Clegg
Mr Ed Miliband

Mr David Miliband

who are Atheist and Prof. Richard Dawkins who is renowned Atheist and is promoting the non – existence of Allah through advertisements.

Molana Rashid! Alhamdu’lillah (All Praises to Allah)! You rank among the renowned Ulema (Scholars) of Islam and, if I remember correctly, you were doing PhD for Islamic studies. Molana Rashid! Please read the contents of the option: Allah Exist and let me know your views which will be uploaded on the websites.

Molana Rashid! Alhamdu’lillah! My life has been devoted to make research of Deen e Islam for over 25 years and the crux of the research is uploaded on the above websites.

Molana Rashid! In short, Muslim Ummah also part of mankind and is under the influence of Naffas and Shaitan where it has, with due respect, restricted Deen e Islam to the history only and performance of Essentials of Islam: Salat, Soam, Hajj, Zakat and belief in the Lone Entity of Allah. Muslim Ummah has stopped looking the inside of the Essentials of Islam which contain the Guidance of Allah to be applied in day to day life. Molana Rashid! When you will log on to website: you will gather, Insha’allah (Allah Willing), what the Essentials of Islam ask their application in day to day life.

Molana Rashid! Similarly, when you will browse the options on website: other than Allah Exist you will gather the imperativeness of Essentials of Eman (Faith): Anbiyya, Angels, Revelation, Day of Judgment, Life hereafter, Naffas and Shaitan.

Molana Rashid! The most important aspect of Deen e Islam i.e. Politics has been separated from the politics of the state. The definition of Politics as per Imam Ghazali (RA) is:

  • Politics’ is to reform public and lead them to the ‘Right Path’ that leads to success in this world and the life hereafter.
  • ‘Politics’ is the ‘Policy’ that creates respect, love, affection, unity among the people.

Molana Rashid! In fact, the Constitution of every state has been based upon Qur’an and Hadith.


Molana Rashid! I believe you know that the name of Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) has been written on the top of the list of Law Givers being the Greatest Law Giver at Lincolns Inn in London where lawyers are educated. Non – Muslim do not believe that Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) is Prophet of Allah. They are of the opinion that Qur’an is composed by Him (SAW).

Molana Rashid! To tell the world that the Qur’anand Hadith are the base of Politics the website: has been set up. Molana Rashid! The data on this website has to be created under the options on the website. At the moment that data has been uploaded under the option: US Politics

US Politics

Molana Rashid! In short I have, with the Grace of Allah, have made analysis of the mid – term election of USA 2010 and this will be promoted when the data for other options is created and uploaded. I believe it may take about couple of months.

Molana Rashid! When you will log on to website: you will see that the inside of the public authorities have been exposed where they do not take any notice to eradicate the bases of the crimes. Alhamdu’lillah! This is a Qura’nic approach as in the Qur’an the behaviour of the authorities like Fir’aun and Namrood has been exposed.


Molana Rashid! Ulema are heir of Anbiyya e Karam. In short, you are in a position to promote project: Call for Peace at international, especially, Daral Ulooms, Ulema e Karam. The project: Call for Peace which constitutes Message of Allah as it is based upon Qur’an and Hadith, can be promoted by the ‘Tip’ of your fingers i.e. phone calls and emails. Insha’allah! This letter will be uploaded on the website: under option: Allah Exist Link: Promotion where anyone can read this letter.

Molana Rashid! There is unrest in the whole world. The history tells that whenever there has been unrest in the world it was the Message of Allah that resolved the issues. Previous Anbiyya e Karam used to be commissioned to convey the Message of Allah. But the chain of Anbiyya e Karam has been accomplished by the commission of Khatim ul Anbiyya Hazrat Mohammed  (SAW) and since then the responsibility of conveying the Message of Allah has been assigned to the Umaties (Followers) of Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW).

Molana Rashid! Alhamdu’lillah! I am humble Umati of Khatim ul Anbiyya  (SAW) and a layman. It is natural phenomenon that the promotion of any project is effective at the top level.

Molana Rashid! Alhamdu’lillah! You have contact with Ulema and Daral Ulooms all over the world. Once the word is reached to Ulema and Daral Uloom then it will reach to the Muslim Ummah through Sermons and speeches and once people will learn about it they will promote it to their friend and relatives.


Molana Rashid! With the Toffeeq of Allah I have chosen you to be pioneer in the promotion of project: Call for Peace because Zakria Masjidwas the centre point to change the direction of my life i.e. search for the Right Path. Moreover, I believe, Zakria Masjid is the first Masjid in Bolton so on this basis it should be the pioneer in the promotion of Call for Peace which is Message of Allah as it is based upon Qur’an and Hadith.


Molana Rashid! I look forward to hear from you.


[May Allah Bless You]


Molana Rashid! This letter is uploaded on website: under option: Allah Exist link: Promotion

Molana Rashid! Please read the options under the heading Profile on any of the websites to learn about how with the Grace of Allah I embarked upon the project: Call for Peace.