Call For Peace

Life Hereafter

Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]


Life Hereafter

Brothers and Sisters! 

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

It is natural phenomenon that every creation has three life spans:

  • before existence
  • in existence
  • after existence

Brothers and Sisters! Let us take the example of a tree:

  • When a seed is sown in the land then a tree emerges with the passage of time. In other words the tree was non – existent but it came into existence.
  • When the tree came into existence then it bore branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.
     In other words this is the life of the tree where it served the mankind
  • Time will come when the powers of the tree will diminishand it will not bear any leaves, flowers and fruits and it will be pulledout from the ground and its log would be used to make furniture or otherwise. In other words this is its life hereafter.

Brothers and Sisters! Similarly mankind has three life spans:

Before Birth: Waiting Time (Past Time)

Brothers and Sisters! When Hazrat Adam (PBUH) were created all His (PBUH) offspring  in the form of souls was taken out from His (PBUH) loin and this is revealed in the Qur’an:

Surah Al A’raf Verse no 172

And (remember) when you Lord brought forth from Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam’s loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord?”

The said: “Yes! We Testify”

Lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: Verily, we have been unaware of this.

Brothers and Sisters! The offspring was turned into souls and was inhabited in Alim e Arwah (Home of souls). In other words souls became seeds which would give life to the bodyformed in the womb  of a woman where husband and wifewill mate.

Brothers and Sisters! So from creation of soul until the time of the birth it is waiting time.

Birth: Life in this world (Present Time)

Brothers and Sisters! When the child is born then his life starts in this world. During this life span he observes the universe, learns to live and look for the Bounties of Allah.

After Death: Life Hereafter (Future Time)

Brothers and Sisters! When his second life span is complete his soul is taken out from his body and brought back in Heavens where his life ‘Hereafter’ starts.

Brothers and Sisters! There are two schools of thoughts:

  • One who believe in Lone Entity of Allah
  • One who does not believe in the existence of Allah

Who Believe in Lone Entity of Allah

Brothers and Sisters! Who believe in the Lone Entity of Allah they believe that it was the soul which was sent in this world to recognise Allah and body was set of tools to perform good deeds or bad deeds. If the soul was used to recognise Allah then it is good deed and if the soul was used not to recognise Allah then it is a bad deed. Brothers and Sisters! They also believe that if the soul has recognised Allah then they will live in Paradise forever and enjoy Bounties of Allah which no eyehas seen, no earhas heard and no mind can imagine. Brothers and Sisters! Furthermore, they also believe that if they have not recognised Allah they will have to life in Hell. These aspects have revealed in the Qur’an:

 Surah Mohammed Verse no. 15

The description of Paradise which the Muttaqun (the pious people) have been promised (is that) in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changes, rivers of milk which the taste never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of clarified honey (clear and pure) therein for them in every kind of fruit, and forgiveness from their Lord.

(Are these) like those who shall dwell forever in the Fire and be given to drink boiling water so that it cuts up their bowels.

Who do not Believe in the Existence of Allah

Brothers and Sisters! The one who do not believe in existence of Entity of Allah they are of the opinion that the universe is the outcome of Big Bangand mankind is evolution of Apes and it is the human mind which has made all the discoveries of the universe which is the result of Big Bang. They believe that once a person is deadthen it is dead forever and the existence of his body will diminish with the passage of time. This aspect has revealed in the Qur’an:

Surah Maryam Verse no. 66

And man (the disbeliever) says: when I am dead, shall I then be raised up again?

Brothers and Sisters! Allah has revealed in the Qur’an for such school of thought by asking a question to the effect has mankind created himself?

Surah At Tur Verse no. 35

Were they created by nothing? Or they themselves the creators?

Brothers and Sisters! However, whether one believes in the Lone Entity of Allah or not there is life after death. According to Muslims there is accountability of deeds after death on the Day of Judgment and according to Atheists there is no accountability and this world will go on and on forever. However, Allah has warned the disbelievers that whether they believe in life hereafter or not they will believe when they will be dead:

Surah At Bani Isra’iel no. 98 – 99

That is their recompense, because they denied Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations etc) and said: “When we are bones and fragments, shall we really be raised up as a new creation?

See they not that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, is able to create the like of them. And He has decreed for them am appointed term, whereof there is no doubt. But the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers) refuse (the truth – the Message of Islamic Monotheism, and accept nothing) but disbelief.


Brothers and Sisters! There are a number of stages after death before one can reach the final destination i.e. Paradise or HellBrothers and Sisters! Let us look at these stages.

Qabar (Grave)

Brothers and Sisters! Under the light of Qur’an and Hadith when the soul from the body is taken out then the body should be given a bath, wrapped in Kaffan  (preferably white sheets), perform Namaz e Jinaza (Dua’a for the forgiveness of deceased), and place the body in the Qabar  (a dig in the ground). Brothers and Sisters! The graveyard is Alim Barzakh i.e. the transit period before the Day of Resurrection.

Qiyamat (Day of Resurrection)

Brothers and Sisters! When the time will come to end the world then the Angel Hazrat Israf’iel (PBUH) will blow the Horn and everything will be destroyed and will become non – existent. Allah will call out to the effect there is nothing except the Lone Entity of Allah. Thereafter, all the mankind will resurrect upon the Command of Allah.

Surah Al Mo’min Verse no. 16

The Day when they will (all) come out, nothing of them will be hidden from Allah. Whose is the kingdom this Day?

(Allah Himself will reply to His Question): It is Allah’s the One, the Irresistible!

Day of Judgment

Brothers and Sisters! When all the mankind will resurrect then the Entity of Allah will be on a Throne and there shall be accountability of deeds of every human being. The Day of Judgment will be equivalent of 50,000 years of this world. It is revealed in the Qur’an:

Surah Al Ma’arij Verse no. 4

The angels and the Ruh (Gibra’iel) ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is 50,000 years.

Pul Sirat (Bridge of Right Path) 

Brothers and Sisters! After the accountability of deeds people will be asked to cross Pul Sirat. Under the light of Qur’an and Hadith the bridge is thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword.

Brothers and Sisters! The people who have been forgiven by Allah they will cross the Pul Sirat easily but the people who have not been forgiven they will be cut into pieces and fall in Hell.

Life Hereafter

Brothers and Sisters! From the point onwards the life hereafter will start which is foreverBrothers and Sisters! Forever, means there is no past and no future and it will be all present.


Brothers and Sisters! The life in this world is very short. A ratio between life in this world and life hereafter cannot be established. Why? Brothers and Sisters! Life in this world is limited and life hereafter in unlimited. So a ratio cannot be established between limited and unlimited.

Brothers and Sisters! Do you not think that it is better to live this short life in accordance with the Guidance of Allah and Teachings of the Anbiyya e Karam and live a life of luxury forever and enjoy Bounties of Allah which no eyehas seen, no ear has heard and no mind can imagine.

May Allah be with You


[May Allah Bless You]

May Allah  be with You


[May Allah Bless You]