Call For Peace

Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]


Education Ibadaah [Worship]


Brothers and Sisters! 

Assalam o Alleyykum! 

Education means to learn ILM (knowledge) from an outer source. One learns from observation, experience, reading books, conversation, listening to speeches, radio, watching television, discussing and otherwise.

Brothers and Sisters! Technically one learns and teaches every momentof life. Learn means to know about ILM which he did not know. Teach means to tell ILM which others do not know. So when one is having a conversationor discussing some issue every party is learning from one another. Therefore, everyone is a studentand teacherat the same time.

Brothers and Sisters! Question arises why everyone needs education?

Brothers and Sisters!

  • In short, we need education to live life in this worldi.e. to submitto Allahto return to our homeland ParadiseHazrat Adam (PBUH) and Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) were sent in Paradise to live there forever and eat drinkanything they like except not to go near the forbiddentree. This was the sign of submission to Allah. However, Shaitan lured them to eat the fruitof the forbidden tree where they were sent on earthas punishment. They were told that should they expend life in the world as per His (SWT) Guidancethen they can return to their homeland Paradise.
  • To live life in the world they needed ILMOrigin of ILM is Qur’an. Qur’an is Word of Allah. Therefore, Allah transmitted Qur’an in every soul. How Qur’an was transmitted to every soul, please read article: Qur’an Har Zarray main (Qur’an in Every Atom) by logging in
  • Every soulhas mind. Qur’an has been saved in mind. Every soul is given a body. Head contains brain. So text of Qur’an is copied in brain.
  • Allah created universe. There are innumerable creations in the universe. Every creation has its properties which can produce various produces e.g. land can produce wheat, fruit, vegetables sunriseand sunset create dayand nightsunshine can help to grow produces from land etc. etc.
  • When Hazrat Adam was sent on earth, it was flat. In Paradise produces were growing by the Command of Allah. On earth it was responsibility of mankind to grow food to keep body and soul together.
  • Qur’anis origin of ILM which has been copied in brain. To grow produces one has to think. When one thinks the connection isdeveloped between mankind and Allah. Allah exposes the properties about an element one is thinking about.
  • In fact, when one thinks he is searching properties of certain element from the ILM transmitted in his mind by Allah i.e. Qur’an. So when one thinks Allah guides him to learn from the ILM which has already transmitted in his mind.

Brothers and Sisters! The processof learning starts from the wombof mother when soul is blown in the body of the child. When the child is delivered he starts crying. The message in his cry is that he is dirty and hungry so he should be washed and fed. When he is washedand fed he sucks the nipple and swallows milk. This means he is utilizing the ILM transmitted in his soul i.e. he knows how to suck the nipple and how to swallow.

Brothers and Sisters! When child starts growing the first method of learning is observationand listening. Mother and father do not teach him how to speak, how to eat, how to sleep, how to wake up, how to release nature. Whatever he is doing he is doing on the basis of ILM saved in his mind.

Brothers and Sisters! The above representations depict that how a child starts learning i.e. being educated.


Brothers and Sisters! When Allah sent Hazrat Adam (PBUH) on earth to live, Allah devised a way of life. The name of Way of Life was determined Deen e IslamDeen means ‘Way’ and Islam means ‘Peace’. In other words, the ‘Way’ which leads to ‘Peace’ i.e. Paradise.

Brothers and Sisters!Allahcreated mankindfor His (SWT) submissionwhich is revealed in Qur’an:

Translation Surah Adh Dhariyat Ayat no. 56

And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship (submit) Me (Alone).

Brothers and Sisters! Question arises how mankind can submit to Allah?

Brothers and Sisters! Ulema e Karam say that mankind can submit to Allah directly and indirectly.

Brothers and Sisters! Question arises what is submission?

Brothers and Sisters! Ulema e Karam say submission is to expend life in the world as per Guidance of Allah. In other words follow Qur’anand Hadith.


Brothers and Sisters!Direct submission is performance of Haqooq Allah. As below are essentials of Haqooq Allah:

  • belief upon Lone Entity of Allah
  • performance of Salatfive times a day


  • payment of Zakatonce a year


  • keeping fastin month of Ramadan


  • performance of Hajjonce in life time


  • follow Sharia (jurisdiction) in day to day life e.g. honesty and integrity, marriage ceremony, birth, funeral, inheritance, divorce etc.etc.



Brothers and Sisters!Indirect submission is performance of Haqooq ul Ibad. Ulema Karam say if Haqooq ul Ibad are discharged as per the Guidance of Allah it is submission to Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! When one is of service to someone else, on the face value, it is one party who is of serviceto other party. But when the party doing service intends to serve for the sake of Allah, it constitutes as submissionto Allah. At the same time, if the party receiving service is thankfulto Allah, it constitutes submission to Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! In view of the above there are two types of Education:

  • Sharia Education
  • Artistic and Scientific Education


Brothers and Sisters! To learn about Sharia Education and Artistic and Scientific education, please read the respective articles.


Brothers and Sisters!Mankind has been created for submission to Allah every moment of life. So the object of creation can only be achieved if one ascertain Sharia and Artistic and Scientific education and follow in his day to day life.


May Allah  be with You


[May Allah Bless You]