Call For Peace

Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]



  • [Angels]

    Brothers and Sisters! 

    Assalam o Alleyykum

    [Peace be Upon You]

    Under the light of the Qur’anand Hadith Al Malaika (Angels) is the creation who administers the movements of the creations of the universe upon the behest of Allah.

    Brothers and Sisters! The circumstantial evidence depict that Al Malaika was the first creation of Allah.

    Brothers and Sisters! How Al Malaika comes into being Qur’an and Hadith are silent. However, their attributes are:

    • they do not eat and drink
    • they do not get married
    • they can form the shape of any other creation e.g. human being, animals etc.etc.
    • they do have a body and wings to fly. But their body is invisible to human eye.

      Brothers and Sisters! The circumstantial evidence depict that as Allah was Lone Entity and Allah had enormous powers which He (SWT) wanted to expose He (SWT) created Al Malaika (Angels) and exposed His (SWT) attributes and powers. The Al Malaika got impressed by the powers of Allah and submitted to Him (SWT) for every moment. In other words they were worshipping Allah by Qayyam (Standing) Raku (bending) and Sajdah (Prostrating). Moreover, they are doing Dhikrof Allah all the time.

    Brothers and Sisters! Allah loves His (SWT) Bandahs. Allah being Aleem (Knower of everything) Allah Knew that mankindwill come across hazards every moment of their lives so Allah devised a system where there are number of Angels with him who protect him from hazards. For example: everyone walks a number of miles on the road everyday but it is rare that he falls down although there are many chances that he must fall down. Why he does not fall down because the Angels are with him all the time who guide him to save him from such hazards. However, sometimes one does falldown. Why he falls down because it is written in Muqadar (fate). Muqadar is separate subject and this cannot be dealt with in this article. This aspect has revealed in the Qur’an:

    Surah Ar Ra’d Verse no. 11

    For him (each person), there are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard him by the Command of Allah.

    Brothers and Sisters! Similarly, there are Angels who guide one to speak about a particular subject.


    Brothers and Sisters! Human being has got only one mind and in it knowledge is saved about different subjects and creations, so all the knowledge are intermingled.

    Brothers and Sisters! But when one has to speak about a particular subject or answer to a question then the data flows from mind in the form of words, sentences to that particular subject. Brothers and Sisters! But how come the person is able to arrange the data to flow in respect of specific subject from the intermingled knowledge? It is an Angel who does this job for him.

    Brothers and Sisters! In short, there are a lot of Angels with everyone who protect him, guide him in every moment of day to day life.

    Brothers and Sisters! Allah has created this universeand there are a lot of creations which keep on emerging every moment and every creation has its own life span, for example earth, seas, mountains, sun, moon, galaxies, planets etc. etc.

    Brothers and Sisters! Angels are made in charge of every creation to run their course. In other words the creations are obedient to them. Brothers and Sisters! It is just like that an organization is split into many departments and each department has an in charge to run its course.

    Brothers and Sisters! How the Angels are educated and trained to do their job Qur’an and Hadith are silent about it.

    Brothers and Sisters! It is natural phenomenon that there has to be a name for identification, so every Angel must have a name but Qur’an and Hadith are silent about it except there is mention of four Angels:

    • Hazrat Gibra’iel (PBUH)
    • Hazrat Micha’iel (PBUH)
    • Hazrat Israf’iel (PBUH)
    • Hazrat Izra’iel (PBUH)

    Brothers and Sisters! Under the light of Qur’an and Hadith the above Angels have been  assigned jobs which are relevant to human life and this world.

    Hazrat Gibra’iel (PBUH)

    Brothers and Sisters! Mankind has been sent in this world for a test. Allah being Aleem Knew that mankind will digress from the Right Path and he will need Guidance to revert to Allah where Anbiyya e Karam will be commissioned. To brief Anbiyya e Karam about the Guidance, initially, Allah will brief Hazrat Gibra’iel (PBUH) who then will convey the Message of Allah to Anbiyya e Karam to pass on to mankind.

    Brothers and Sisters! What other role Hazrat Gibra’iel (PBUH) plays in the administration of the universe, the writer is unaware of it.

    Hazrat Micha’iel (PBUH)

    Brothers and Sisters! Unfortunately, the writer is unaware of role of Hazrat Micha’iel (PBUH) in the administration of the universe. Should he will know, the data shall be uploaded. However, Angel Hazrat Micha’iel (PBUH) is among the highest rank of Angels.

    Hazrat Israf’iel (PBUH)

    Brothers and Sisters! Every creation has a beginning and an end. This universe has been created and it has to end. The day when it will be the last day of this universe is Day of Resurrection.

    Brothers and Sisters! Under the light of Qur’an and Hadith Hazrat Israf’iel (PBUH) is holding a Horn upon his mouth and waiting for Allah’s Command to blow it. When the Horn will be blown then everything will start to break with the high volume of the sound of the Horn.

    Hazrat Izra’iel (PBUH)

    Brothers and Sisters! When Hazrat Adam (PBUH) were created and sent in this world, He (PBUH) were told that they have to live in the world for a short time i.e. His (PBUH) soul will be brought back in the Heavens to account for His (PBUH) deeds to judge if He (PBUH) followed the Guidance of Allah in the world.

    Brothers and Sisters! The job of Hazrat Izra’iel (PBUH) is to take out the soul of human beings where the Angels bring the soul back to Heavens.


    Brothers and Sisters! Question may emerge in mind that does Allah depend upon Angels to administer the system of the Universe?

    Brothers and Sisters!

    No! Not at all!

    Brothers and Sisters! Allah was Lone Entity. Allah is Lone Entity. Allah will remain Lone Entity. Allah is Creator. Creator does not depend on creation.

    Brothers and Sisters! Allah is Aleem (Knower of everything). Being Aleem Allah Knew that mankind will be created and this has been revealed in the Qur’an:

    Surah Al Dha’ar Verse no. 1 – 3

    Has there not been over a man a period of time, when he was not a thing worth mentioning?

    Verily, We have created man form Nutfah (drops) of mixed semen (sexual discharge of man and woman). In order to test him: so We made him hearer and seer.

    Verily, We showed him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful.

    Brothers and Sisters! As Allah Knew that mankind will be created and he will be Ashraf ul Makhlukat (Most Superior Creation) so Allah had created other creations for mankind’s service.

    For example:

    • Angels protect mankind and guide in every aspect of his life spiritually
    • Angel Gibra’iel used to convey Message of Allah to Anbiyya e Karam for mankind’s day to day life

      Brothers and Sisters! Similarly, other creations e.g. sun, moon, star, galaxies, planets expose their properties to create environments e.g. change of temperature for the production of crops. Animals e.g. horse and camel are means of transportation, lamb, chicken are for food consumption, cow for milk etc.etc.

    Brothers and Sisters! Mankind was sent in this world to live for a short time. So he needed some administration system to follow. For the sake of teaching of mankind Allahhad assigned jobs to the Angels to administer the system of the Universe and nothing can be administered without the Command of Allah. As every creation has to act and react upon the Command of Allah, therefore Allah is not dependent upon creation but creations are dependent upon the Command of Allah to act and react.

    Brothers and Sisters! It is revealed in the Qur’an that even a leaf of a tree does not move or fall without the Command of Allah:

    Surah Al In’am Verse no 59

    And with Him (Allah) are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. and He knows whatever is in the land and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but He knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in Clear Records.

    Brothers and Sisters! Before the creation of anything Allah was Lone Entity. When the world will become non – existent when Hazrat Israf’iel will blow the horn at that time Allah will be the only Entity and this has been revealed in the Qur’an:

    Surah Al Hadid Verse no 3

    He is the first (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of everything.

    Brothers and Sisters! Once everything will become non – existent then everything will resurrect upon the Command of Allah and this will be the Day of Judgment when everyone will have to account for his deeds.


    Brothers and Sisters! Angels are at the service of mankind on the face value otherwise Allah is nearer to the Jugular Vein and this has been revealed in the Qur’an:

    Surah Qa’af Verse No. 16

    And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge).

    Brothers and Sisters! Angels are innocent. They cannot commit any sin. They are purified.

    Brothers and Sisters! The Angel’s innocence is a guide for mankind that he should expend his life in this world in the manner that no sin is committed and if one happens to commit a sin then he should repent and beg forgiveness of Allah. There is a connotation of Hadith that when a Muslim commits a sin then the Angel whose job is to write sins waits if he repents and beg forgiveness of Allah. If the sin is forgiven by Allah then the Angel does not write that sin and his slate is clean like the slate of an Angel.

May Allah  be with You


[May Allah Bless You]