Call For Peace


Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Brothers and Sisters!

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Brothers and Sisters!


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Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]



Brothers and Sisters!  

Assalam o Alleyykum 

    [Peace be Upon You]



Islam means:



Brothers and Sisters!

Question arises how one can achieve ‘Peace’ i.e.

there has to be a ‘Way’ to achieve Peace.


Brothers and Sisters!


·             Allah is Creator of mankind i.e. initially Allah created Hazrat Adam (PBUH) and Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) and rest of mankind is offspring of Hazrat Adam (PBUH).


·             When Hazrat Adam (PBUH) unknowingly became disobedient of Allah upon the inclination of Shaitan  (Satan) Allah asked them to go on earth where if they followed His (SWT) Guidance they will have ‘Peace’ in their lives and when they will die then they will return to their Homeland Paradise and will be in ‘Peace’ forever.


Brothers and Sisters!

Allah termed His (SWT) Guidance:

Deen e Islam




Way to achieve



·             Allah asked Hazrat Adam (PBUH) to brief His offspring  to follow Deen e Islam in their day to day lives i.e. to achieve ‘Peace’ in this world and life hereafter.


Brothers and Sisters!

Question arises what disturbs ‘Peace’ when everyone is

looking for ‘Peace’?


Brothers and Sisters!


·             Everyone consciously or unconsciously believes that mankind has been sent in this world for a ‘test’.



 is to overpower

‘Sensual Appetite’.


·             However, ‘Sensual Appetite’ is bound to emerge where the Guidance of Allah is, to satisfy by ‘legal’ means.


For example:


·             When man and woman will come across each other their ‘sexual urge’ is bound to emerge. Brothers and Sisters! Guidance of Allah is to satisfy the ‘sexual urge’ enter in wedlock and not satisfy by illicit means.


·             Similarly if one comes across gold or silver which can be used to buy goods and services then to overpower ‘Sensual Appetite’ he must not steal.


Brothers and Sisters! By satisfying ‘sexual urge’ by illicit means will give ‘pleasure’ to Naffas (psyche) for a short time but this will not give ‘Peace of Mind’. Why? Because it is ‘Law of Nature’ that when one commits sin his mind will not rest. However, if one satisfy his ‘sexual urge’ with his wife he will be relieved sexually and will have ‘Peace of Mind’ as he has followed the Guidance of Allah.


Brothers and Sisters! Deen e Islam is a ‘Way of Life’ and it is not religion. Technically, religion is ‘theology’ i.e. set of beliefs and when these beliefs are put into practice it becomes ‘religion’.


For example:


Brothers and Sisters! Following ‘Way of Life’ no one can deny is:


·             speak truth

·             do not lie


·             be honest

·             do not cheat, deceive


·             get married

·             do not indulge in illicit intercourse


·             make use of Halal (allowed) food and drinks

·             do not make use of Haram  (disallowed) food and intoxicants


·             respect elders and love young ones

·             do not disgrace and humiliate


·             honour rights

·             do not infringe rights


·             love mankind

·             do not hate


Brothers and Sisters! Now if a state makes law that man and woman do not have to enter in wedlock and keep living together as husband and wife then this becomes ‘theology’ and when practiced it becomes religion.


Brothers and Sisters! Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism are man made theologies i.e. set of beliefs which have turned into religions. These are not ‘Ways of Life’.


Brothers and Sisters! For the sake of argument if Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism can be treated as ‘Ways of Life’ then one has to admit that there are ‘Four Gods’. Why? Because only One God cannot devise four ‘Ways of Life’ and every ‘Way’ can achieve ‘Peace’. In other words there will be countless Gods as there are countless ‘theologies’.


Brothers and Sisters!


·             However, there is another ‘Way of Life’ and that Way of Life is ‘Paganism’Pagans do not believe in Allah and therefore do not believe in Heavenly ‘Way of Life’.


·             Pagan’s belief is that life of this world is all in all and there is no life after death, so seek as much enjoyment of life as one can.


Brothers and Sisters! As Islam is ‘Way of Life’ given by Allah the Creator of mankind and universe so it is complete in every respect. This fact has revealed in the Qur’an:


Translation Surah al Ma’idah Verse no. 3


I have perfected your Way of Life for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your Way of Life.

Brothers and Sisters!


·             The proof that Deen e Islam is comprehensive in every respect is that the name of Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) is on the top of the list of Law Givers at Lincoln’s Inn in London where lawyers are educated as:


‘The Greatest Law Giver’.


·             Non – Muslims do not believe Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) as Nabi (Prophet) of Allah and Qur’an is revealed upon Him (SAW). However, they formed opinion that Qur’an is composed by Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW).


Brothers and Sisters! To learn about how Islam is complete code of life, please log on to website: and read option: Islam Complete Code of Life which is on the first line of the menu in the middle.




Brothers and Sisters! Everyone is looking for ‘Peace’ in every moment of his life. To achieve ‘Peace’ one has to look toward his Creator and follow His (SWT) Guidance which is reflected in Qur’an and Hadith. Qur’an is ‘Word of Allah’ and Hadith is ‘Teachings’ of Anbiyya e Karam.



[May Allah Bless You]