Call For Peace

Islamic Environments

Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]


Islamic Environments


 Fort of Islam

There is none worthy of worship besides Allah;

(Hazrat) Mohammed (SAW) is Rasool (Prophet) of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

Environments are such a factor of life within which human life and life of every creation within earth and skies revolve. In fact not even between earth and skies but beneath the earth and beyond the skies the life of the creations revolves as there is life after death which is beyond the skies.

Brothers and Sisters! Deen e Islam is a Way of Life which has to be followed by mankind within the environments of earth and skies. Therefore, it is imperative to find out the nature of environments mankind lives in.

Brothers and Sisters! To find out the nature of environments we have to start from Day One when Hazrat Adam (PBUH) were sent from Heavens to earth to live here for a short time and thereafter the plane of death will bring Him (PBUH) and His (PBUH) offspring above the skies where he will be accountable and asked what environments he created in the world i.e. pure and clean environments or dirty environments or polluted environments.

Brothers and Sisters! The circumstantial evidence depicts that before Allah sent Hazrat Adam (PBUH) on earth Allah created Universe which is revealed in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Al A’raf Ayat no 54

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Indeed your Lord is Allah Who created heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He rose over (Istawa) the Arsh (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He brings the night a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created) the sun, the moon, the stars subjected to His Command. Surely, His is the Creations and Commandment. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn, and all that exists).

Brothers and Sisters! It is perfectly safe to assume that when universe was created the environments were pure and clean within Heavens and the earth as there was no creation e.g. animals, agricultural produces, minerals, sea creature, insects etc. etc.

Brothers and Sisters! Now lets us look at the process how environments emerge and how they are spread within the universe.

Brothers and Sisters! Every creation is combination of matter and soul or spirit and every matter has its properties. In fact soul and spirit are the properties of the matter. Let us look at the literal meaning of these terms:


  • The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being
  • The moral or emotional or intellectual nature of a person


  • The animating or life giving principle in a person or animal
  • The intelligent non – physical part of a person
  • Rational or intelligent being without a material body


  • Physical substance
  • Physic: that which occupies space and possesses rest mass


  • An attribute, quality, or characteristic

Brothers and Sisters! In fact it is spirit and property of the creation matters where the matter itself is of no use because it is destructible and when the spirit and property of the matter is utilized the matter vanishes. For example: Wood. When wood is burnt it provides heat i.e. its heat and burning qualities are utilized and wood becomes non – existent and turn into coal. When coal will be burnt its burning qualities will provide heat and the matter will turn into ashes and so on.

Brothers and Sisters! Therefore, it is safe to assume that it is the invisible part of the creation i.e. spirit and property which human mind is after and the not the matter.

Brothers and Sisters! The use of spirit and property is dependent upon soul. In fact soul is Command of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! To be useful and effective every action needs command. For example: Central Processing Unit is programmed that unless and until it receives command it will not move forward.

Brothers and Sisters!
The Prophet Hazrat Mohammed (SAW) were asked by Kuffar about Ruh (Soul). Allah revealed in the Qur’an to the effect that Ruh (soul) is Amr e Rabbi, Command of Allah:

Translation Surah Bani Isra’iel Ayat no. 85

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

And they ask you (O Mohammed (SAW)) concerning the Ruh (the soul): Say: “The Ruh is (the soul) Command of my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only little.

Brothers and Sisters! In view of the context and substance of the above Ayat it is clear that spirit and properties cannot act or react unless and until Command of Allah i.e. Ruh (soul) is received by them i.e. spirit and properties of the creation.


Brothers and Sisters! Question arises when Hazrat Adam (PBUH) were sent on the earth then how the environments have developed?

Brothers and Sisters!

  • The above representations depict that every matter has a spirit and properties. In fact it appears that Allah created spirit and properties which are inflicted or transmitted in a matter.
  • It is natural phenomenon that effects emerge from the spirit of the matter. For example: when water is heated on fire then water boils and the effects emerge in the form of evaporation i.e. a kind of smoke which is steam.
  • There is air within the atmosphere which spread the effects within the vicinity that lead to development of environments within which human beings and other creations live and the effect and impact of the environments is transmitted within their spirit and properties and in case of human beings in their minds which is reflected in their bodies i.e. matter.

Brothers and Sisters! So the human beings and every creation are living within the environments which are being created by every creation within the vicinity. Brothers and Sisters! Let us try to understand with an example:

Everyone experiences:

  • Weather is very cold, body is cold, bed is cold, and quilt is cold.
  • But when one lies in the bed and covers his body with quilt, after some time the environments within the bed are getting warm and one feels warm and comfortable.

Brothers and Sisters! Question arises when the bed was cold, quilt was cold, and body was cold then how the environments got warm?

Brothers and Sisters! The answer to the question is that it is the body heat which was emerging by the circulation of blood and coming out of the body. The bed and quilt had properties to absorb the heat and when they get warm enough they also start to produce heat which becomes part of the environment and atmosphere within the bed becomes warm and comfortable.

Brothers and Sisters! In other words the person is living within the environments of heat produced by the body.

Brothers and Sisters! Please remember this point as, with the Grace of Allah, this article is being written that how, initially, every human being and every creation lives within the environments of its own creation.

Brothers and Sisters! Before we move on to the subject matter let us look at the definitions of environments as per Google:


  • The circumstances or conditions that surrounds one: Surroundings
  • The totality of circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organism, especially:
  • The combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organism
  • The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community
  • Computer Science:
  • The entire set of conditions under which one operates a computer, as it relates to the hardware, operating platform or operating system
  • An area of a computer’s memory used by the operating system and some programs to store certain variables to which they need frequent access
  • External conditions or surrounding, especially those in which people live or work
  • Ecology: the external surroundings in which a plant or animal lives, which tend to influence its development and behaviour
  • The state of being environed; encirclement
  • Computing an operating system, program or integrated suite of programs that provides all the facilities necessary for a particular application a word – processing environment
  • All of the biotic and abiotic factors that act on an organism, population, or community and influence its survival and development. Biotic factors include the organism themselves, their food, and their interactions. Abiotic factors include such items as sunlight, soil, air, water, climate, and pollution. Organism responds to changes in their environment by evolutionary adaptations in form and behaviour.

Brothers and Sisters!

The ‘Crux’ of Deen e Islam is

‘Good Deeds’ and ‘Bad Deeds’.

Brothers and Sisters!

  • If a person does Good Deeds then clean, pious effects emerge and surround him just like when heat emerges by the circulation of the blood i.e. just like the fragrance of park where there are flowers and pleasant atmosphere
  • If a person does Bad Deed then bad, smelly and dirty effects emerge and surround him just like heat emerges from the body by the circulation of blood i.e. just like atmosphere of a toilet and places of dirty animals.
  • If a person do Good Deeds and Bad Deeds then the atmosphere become polluted and he is surrounded by polluted environments.

Brothers and Sisters! It is natural phenomenon that when anything emerges it goes or grows upward. For example:

  • when seed is sown in the land and it flourishes then the matter grows and comes out of the land and keep moving upward and thereafter stem, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit keep on emerging and properties are inflicted in every matter e.g. leaves, flowers, fruits etc.
  • smoke from the fire moves upward
  • when water is boiled then steam moves upward
  • etc. etc.

Brothers and Sisters! Similarly when mankind does Good Deeds and Bad Deeds then the effect emerge and keep moving upwards and even sky is not the limit and these keep moving upward until those reach to the Arsh of Allah. This aspect has revealed in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Al Hadid Ayat no 4

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then rose over (Istawa) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes on into the earth and what comes forth from it, and what descends from the heavens and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what you do.

Brothers and Sisters! Scholars have deduced from the context and substance of the above Ayat of the Qur’an that it is the effects of Deeds of mankind which ascend and reach to Arsh of Allah where decision are determined as per effects of the Deeds.

Brothers and Sisters! The aspect of determination of decisions can be appreciated by an example:

Brothers and Sisters!

  • Let us assume there are two persons where one is good and other is bad.
  • Good person does good deeds e.g.
  • social work
  • helps people in need
  • adheres to the constitution of the state
  • innovates which is beneficial to the society
  • good tempered and high in morals
  • honest
  • etc.
  • .    Bad person does bad deeds e.g.
  • commits crime
  • breaks law
  • robs and steals
  • beat or kill people
  • dishonest
  • etc.

Brothers and Sisters! When report about the above two persons will be sent to the head of the state then obviously the decision by the head of the state will be determined as per their deeds i.e.

  • for Good person, he will be appreciated and rewarded and also given amenities of life where he will be loved and respected by other people
  • for Bad person the decision will be that he is to be punished and deprived of amenities of life where he will be disgraced and humiliated

Brothers and Sisters! Similarly when the effects of Deeds of people ascend and reach to Allah the decisions are determined as per deeds of the human being.

Brothers and Sisters! When the effects of deed are ascending upward then on the way the environment between earth and sky are either made clean and pure or dirty and polluted. No doubt you will appreciate that it is natural phenomenon that anything which passes that leaves its effect and impact on its way to the destination.


Brothers and Sisters!

The question arises why there is

unrest in the whole world?

Brothers and Sisters! The simple answer is mankind has digressed from the Right Path where effects of Bad deeds have warranted the decisions by Allah accordingly.

Brothers and Sisters!

Question arises what are Good Deeds

and what are Bad Deeds?

Brothers and Sisters! In simple terms Good Deeds are Halal (allowed) and Bad Deeds are Haram (disallowed).

Brothers and Sisters!

Question arises who decides to do good deeds

and who decides to do bad deeds?

Brothers and Sisters! It is ‘human mind’ which makes decision either to do good deed or bad deed.

Brothers and Sisters! Question arises who inspires to do good deed and bad deed?

Brothers and Sisters! To do good deed is inspiration from Allah and to do bad deed is inspiration by Shaitan.

Brothers and Sisters! There is another element which also inspires to do bad deed and that is ‘Naffas’ (Psyche).

Brothers and Sisters! As Allah has sent mankind in this world for a test, therefore to test mankind Allah has inflicted ‘Naffas’ in his Fitrat (disposition).

Brothers and Sisters! When Naffas is satisfied it enjoys pleasure. Therefore Naffas always want it to be satisfied.

Brothers and Sisters! In fact it is the test of Naffas. The test of Naffas is whether it satisfies by Halal means or Haram means. Brothers and Sisters! Let us try to appreciate this aspect by the mandate given by Allah as to how to satisfy Naffas which will attract Allah’s Blessings. Brothers and Sisters! The mandate is Qur’an.

Creation of Mankind

Brothers and Sisters! The question arises why Allah created mankind for test?

Brothers and Sisters! Please consider the following aspects:

  • Allah was and is Lone Entity and He (SWT) had enormous powers which He (SWT) could not expose.
  • The circumstantial evidence depict that Initially, Allah created Angels. But they were too obedient. Thereafter Allah created Jinn (Spirits) but they were too mischievous.
  • As there were too extremes, so Allah created Hazrat Adam (PBUH) and thereafter Hazrat Haw’wa (RTU) and gave them the option to choose between Right and Wrong. They were advised that if they chose ‘Right’ they will be in Peace and if they chose ‘Wrong’, they will be punished.
  • For the inhabitance of Hazrat Adam (PBUH) Allah created Paradise and asked them to go there and live where they are free to go anywhere and eat and drink anything they want.
  • But as mankind was created for ‘test’ to choose between Right and Wrong, Allah grew a tree and asked Hazrat Adam (PBUH) not to go even near that tree.
  • The circumstantial evidence depict that it was a courtship period for them to know each other well before they embark upon to give rise to their offspring by mating with each other.
  • But while they were in courtship period Shaitan (devil) made them eat the fruit of the tree where they were even forbidden to go near, so as punishment Allah sent them on earth. Allah advised them that they will give rise to their offspring on earth and if they expended their day to day life as per His (SWT) Guidance then the Plane of Death will bring them above the Heavens where they will be judged if they deserve to go to Paradise or Hell.

Birth of Offspring

Brothers and Sisters!

  • Allah devised a system for the birth of offspring where when man and woman will mate the sperms of man will be transfused in the uterus of woman where she will get pregnant and after a period of nine months she will give birth to offspring.
  • To inspire man and woman to mate for the birth of offspring Allah devised a system that when the sperms of both man and woman will ejaculate they will have pleasure. Had there not been any pleasure then neither man not woman would have interested in mating.
  • Now here is the test. Before man and woman can mate with each other they have to follow the mandate of Allah in this respect. The Guidance of Allah is that before mating man and woman must enter into ‘Wedlock’. Brothers and Sisters! If man and woman mate after entering into wedlock then the mating is Halal and if they mate without entering into wedlock it is Haram.

Brothers and Sisters! It is natural phenomenons that when man and woman reach the age of puberty the sperms develop and there is urge to ejaculate them to satisfy the lust.

Brothers and Sisters! Sexual urge can be satisfied by masturbating or with a woman without entering into wedlock which is not allowed. Here is test of the Naffas. If one controls this urge then he is following the mandate of Allah and he has passed the test. However, Allah has devised a system that when there is overflow of sperms then while
sleeping one has ‘wet dream’ where he is relieved from the sexual urge for some time.

Brothers and Sisters! The mandate of Allah is only man and woman can enter into wedlock. There is no room for homosexuality or lesbianism or same sex marriages.

Pollution of Environments

Brothers and Sisters! Unfortunately mankind has digressed from the Right Path and as there has been option to choose between right and wrong, so mankind has chosen the ‘wrong’ course where the object of mating has just become to satisfy the lust and not the birth of offspring and for this purpose many methods have been adopted to stop the birth of offspring. Moreover, the satisfaction of lust has given rise to:

  • homosexuality
  • lesbianism
  • same sex marriages
  • paedophilia
  • etc.

Brothers and Sisters! It is effect of illicit intercourse, homosexuality, lesbianism, same sex marriages and paedophilia which are emerging and polluting the environments. When these effects ascend and reach beyond the skies to Arsh of Allah then decisions descend in accordance with the effects of deeds i.e. effects of illicit intercourse.


Brothers and Sisters! To keep body and soul together Allah has devised a system of nourishment of the body. To nourish the body and keep it healthy the body requires food and liquid to be consumed.

Brothers and Sisters! Once again there is test for mankind i.e. to choose between Halal and Haram.

Brothers and Sisters! For the nourishment of the body Allah created:

  • animals: cow, lamb, chicken, fish, etc.
  • cereals: wheat, rice, barley etc
  • vegetables: potato, spinach, beans, peas etc.
  • fruits: mango, orange, banana, apples, pears etc.
  • water
  • etc.

Brothers and Sisters! If the body is nourished by Halal food then mental faculties will think and make research on Halal grounds which will inspire to do good deeds and refrain from bad deeds.


Brothers and Sisters! As mankind has digressed from the Right Path therefore he does not bother to differentiate between Halal and Haram which has resulted in:

  • consumption of pig meat which is specifically declared Haram in Qur’an
  • halal animals are not slaughtered as per the mandate of Allah which fall is Haram category
  • use of alcohol and intoxicants is on the rise
  • etc.

Brothers and Sisters! The consumption of Haram food inspire to do bad deeds which then emerge in the form of effects and become part of the environment and then ascend to Arsh of Allah and ask for His (SWT) curse and wrath.


Brothers and Sisters! In this age Monetary Units are considered as wealth but this is not the case. In fact Monetary Units are shape or form of wealth.

Brothers and Sisters!

Question arises what is wealth?

Brothers and Sisters! In fact ‘Wealth’ is ILM (knowledge). When Allah sent Hazrat Adam (PBUH) on earth He (PBUH) was taught ILM. Why? Because he will make research upon the creations of the universe where matter e.g. fruit, vegetables, cereals etc. will be grown and those will be traded which will be beneficial for the mankind.

Brothers and Sisters! In other words:

  • when wealth of ILM was used then form of wealth emerged in the form of fruit, vegetables and cereals
  • when fruit, vegetable and cereal were traded in exchange for Monetary Units then Monetary Units became form of wealth of ILM.

Brothers and Sisters! Wealth i.e. Monetary Units can be Halal or Haram.


Brothers and Sisters! If Monetary Units have acquired by selling Halal goods and rendering Halal services then the Monetary Units will be Halal i.e. Halal earning. For example: sale of fruit and vegetable and rendering services for Halal business.

Brothers and Sisters! But if Monetary Units are acquired by sale of Haram goods or rendering Haram services then the Monetary Units are Haram. For example: sale of pig meat and rendering services for a fraudulent transaction.


Brothers and Sisters! In this day of age as the mankind has digressed form the Right Path most of the wealth created falls in Haram category which has polluted the environments.


Brothers and Sisters! Allah has devised a system to run the life span of mankind in trade of goods and rendering of services which constitutes distribution of wealth.

Brothers and Sisters! Goods and services are exchanged in return for Monetary Units as Monetary Units are denomination of the state. Therefore, anyone who holds large quantity of Monetary Units he is ‘Wealthy’ because in fact the Monetary Units represent ‘Wealth’ of the state.

Brothers and Sisters! As Monetary Units represent ‘Wealth’ of the state so there has to be equal distribution of wealth. If there is no equal distribution of wealth then although economy will progress on the whole but there shall be only two classes: rich and poor and there will be no middle class.

Brothers and Sisters! In this age economies of the world are based upon ‘Capitalism’. The soul of ‘Capitalism’ is to make as much profit as possible and cut down expenditure as much as possible.

Brothers and Sisters! In short, because of the ‘capitalism’ there has been Global Recession i.e. every country is in the grip of ‘Recession’ not because there is shortage of goods and services but because of unequal distribution of wealth.


Brothers and Sisters! When there is unequal distribution of wealth then there is infringement of rights which fall into Haram category. The Haram effects emerge as there has been infringement of rights i.e. because of unequal distribution of wealth, which pollute the environments.


Brothers and Sisters! The conclusion boils down to is, that it is the effects of Bad Deeds in many forms which have polluted the environments which ascend to Arsh of Allah and decisions are determined accordingly which has created unrest in the whole world.


Brothers and Sisters! The question arises is there solution to this problem i.e. to cleanse the environments?

Brothers and Sisters! Yes! There is a solution to the problem and for this we have to look at the history.

Brothers and Sisters! History reveals that 1400 years ago it was similar situation i.e. digression from the Right Path had led environments to be polluted all over the world as Deen e Islam got buried under the thick veils of Jahaliah (ignorance). Allah had Mercy upon mankind and commissioned Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) as the Last Prophet to dig out Deen e Islam from the thick veils of Jahaliah.

Brothers and Sisters! To revive Deen e Islam the requisites were:


Brothers and Sisters! The first requisite was Guidance of Allah which was revealed in the form of Qur’an. As the Guidance was from Allah so it is also termed as Word of Allah.

Tazkiyya e Naffas (Purification of Psyche)

Brothers and Sisters! The second requisite was to purify Naffas as this is the element which digresses human mind from Right Path.


Brothers and Sisters! The third requisite was to teach the Guidance of Allah i.e. Ayats of the Qur’an

Hikmah (Prudence)

Brothers and Sisters! The fourth requisite was to expose and exploit the Hikmah (prudence) of the Guidance of Allah as to why human life ought to be upon the teachings of the Qur’an.

Brothers and Sisters! All the above requisites are revealed in the Qur’an by Allah:

Translation Surah Al Baqrah Ayat no 151

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Similarly (to complete My Blessings on you), We have sent among you a Messenger (Mohammad (SAW)) of your own,

  • reciting to you Our Ayats (the Qur’an) and
  • purifying you, and
  • teaching you the Book (the Qur’an) and
  • the Hikmah (i.e. Sunnah, Islamic laws and Fiqh – jurisprudence), and teaching you that which you used not to know.

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! Khatim ul Anbiyya (SAW) accomplished His (SAW) mission in 23 years and then by the behest of Allah assigned the responsibility to His (SAW) Umaties (followers) to keep promoting the above requisites so that environments get cleansed and remain cleansed where the effects of the deeds will emerge in pure form and ascend to the Arsh of Allah where decisions will be determined which will bring Peace and Harmony in the world.

PROJECT: Call for Peace

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! I am humble Umati (follower) of Khatim ul Anbiyya Hazrat Mohammed (SAW). By profession I am accountant. How with the Toffeeq of Allah I embarked upon project: Call for Peace, please browse link: Profile under option: Home.

Brothers and Sisters! Once you will read the profile, it will be gathered that gradually I learnt the theme of Deen e Islam that teachings of Deen e Islam to be applied in practical day to life in every aspect of life and not simply confined to performance Ibadaahs: Salat, Soam, Hajj, and Zakat with the belief upon Lone Entity of Allah. Brothers and Sisters! These Ibadaahs are the sign of being a Muslim. Iqamat as Salat is to adhere to the Guidance of Allah in day to day life i.e. Qur’an and Hadith.

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! Allah gave me to overview the ‘Politics’ of the world which led me to write the books and articles in respect of the current issues under the light of Qur’an and Hadith. Please read articles on website: under the option: Articles.

Brothers and Sisters! To highlight the Hikmah (prudence) of ibadaahs, with the Toffeeq of Allah composed the following books in rational manner.

  • Qaza Namaz Ki Adaiegi                               

    [To offer Qaza Namaz]

               Wadu Namaz Ka Hissa Kayyun Hai?                  

                       [Why Wadu is Part of Namaz?]

               Tazkiyya e Naffas Kayyun Lazim Hai?   

                       [Why purification of Naffas is necessary?]

               Namaz Insan Ki Zindigi Ka Hissa Kayyun Hai?

                       [Why Salat is Part of mankind’s Life?]

               Khatim ul Anbiyya Kay Namoos Ki hifazat Kayyun Ki Jai?

                       [Why Namoos of Khatim ul Anbiyya be protected]

               Tsunami Tufan Hameen Kia Batla Gia?

                        [What Tsunami Tufan has told us (seven basic beliefs of Islam

Brothers and Sisters! The features of the above books can be read on website: under option: Publications.

Brothers and Sisters! It is duty and responsibility of Muslim heads of state to introduce, revive and promote Deen e Islam. I wrote letters to the Muslim heads of states to sponsor project: Call for Peace but they did not even acknowledged the letter which led me to write the book:

Kaya Islami Riyastoon Kay Surbrah, Deeni Renuma, Umat e Muslimah, Deen Islam Ka Farog Chahte Hain?

[Do Heads of the Muslim States, Religious leaders, Muslim Ummah Want Promotion of Islam]

Brothers and Sisters! The prime object of publication of the above books is Tazkiyya e Naffas (Purification of Psyche). As Naffas is the basic element which is the root cause of digression from the Right Path, therefore, unless and until Naffas is purified one cannot expect that Good Deeds shall be done which will cleanse the environments and the effects of Good Deeds shall ascend to Arsh of Allah where decisions are determined by Allah.


Brothers and Sisters! In short, project: Call for Peace has been promoted by writing letters to heads of states, daral ulooms, scholars, religious organizations, friends and relatives. But the environments of digression do not let them read the books or browse website: However, the name Call for Peace is all over the world which needs to be brought on the scene.

Brothers and Sisters! Allah has given the opportunity to bring project: Call for Peace on the scene through Dr Saleem Farooq Shaukat and his wife Dr Robina Farooq. Please read their profile on the Google.

Brothers and Sisters! I had met Dr Saleem Farooq and his wife at Southall in England where they were studying for PhD and M Phil respectively. Dr Robina Farooq secured her PhD in Environment Engineering from East China University of Science and Technology Shanghai.

Brothers and Sisters! Dr Saleem Farooq heads COMSATS University in Pakistan and Dr Robina Farooq is head of chemical engineering department.

Brothers and Sisters! Recently they visited England and honoured me with their visit.

Brothers and Sisters! In short, I exchanged views about promotion of project: Call for Peace through University COMSATS on the following grounds:-

  • Universities are institutions from where ILM (knowledge) emerges and taught to students who become masons of the future in every field.
  • In fact artistic and scientific education is elaboration of Qur’an and Hadith.


Brothers and Sisters! In the Qur’an number of time it is revealed to make research of the universe:

Translation Surah Sad Ayat no. 29

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

(O Mohammed (SAW)) This Blessed Book has been revealed upon you so that people make research on Its Ayats (research on the universe) and learned people deduce and learn outcome (properties of the universe) and follow teachings.

Brothers and Sisters! Qur’an is Word of Allah and only source of ILM. Therefore when Allah asks to make research upon the universe then in fact it is research upon the Ayats of the Qur’an. In other words, research is elaboration of the Qur’an.

Brothers and Sisters! When Bandah make research upon the Ayats of the Qur’an then Allah teaches him i.e. provide answers to his exploration which is also revealed in the first five Ayats of the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Al Alaq Ayat no. 1 – 5

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists)

He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood)

Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous.

Who has taught (the writing) by the pen.

Who has taught man that which he knew not.

Brothers and Sisters! In view of the above it is perfectly right to deduce that artistic and scientific research is elaboration of the Qur’an and research upon Qur’an is Ibadaah (worship). And this is the object of creation of mankind which is revealed in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Adh Dhariyat Ayat no. 56

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).

  • In this age artistic and scientific education is considered as ‘worldly’ education and is not considered as Ibadaah and this is where man has digressed from the Right Path. Once the teachers and students shall appreciate that their studies in school, colleges, and universities are Ibadaah then road to Right Path is clear.
  • COMSAT is educational institution and has connection and affiliation with universities of Pakistan and abroad, so the project: Call for Peace shall be promoted all over the world which is reflection of Message of Allah as it is based upon Qur’an and Hadith.

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! Dr Saleem Farooq has established a base in COMSAT University for the promotion of project: Call for Peace.


Brothers and Sisters! I went to Pakistan in the year 2005 for the publication of the books. Dr Saleem bought five sets of book for university’s library and arranged e lecture to be delivered to his class. Alhamdu’lillah! I have uploaded the lecture on website: under option: Students.


Brothers and Sisters!

  • When Hazrat Adam (PBUH) were sent in this world at that time it was plain field, nothing was grown plus there were mountains, seas and deserts.
  • Whatever we see in this world is extracted from the Universe.
  • Moreover:
  • man has set foot on the moon
  • modules are sent on Mars
  • through Hubble telescope creations of the universe have been discovered
  • space stations have been set up and satellites are installed
  • information technology made the communication easier
  • etc.

Brothers and Sisters! How everything came into being? Everything came into being because mankind followed the Guidance of Allah to make research upon the universe i.e. application of art and science.

Brothers and Sisters! Let us look at the definition of Art and Science:


Britannica Online defines ‘Art’ as “the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others.”


Science is systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanation and predictions about the Universe.

As per Aristotle scientific knowledge is a body of reliable knowledge that can be logically and rationally explained.

Brothers and Sisters! In simple terms art is ‘theory’ and science is ‘experiment’.


Brothers and Sisters! When a human mind makes research of the creation of the universe then he develops a formula and put it in practice i.e. mixing of many produces in certain ratios. So formation of formula is theory (Art) and implementation of formula is experiment (Science).


Brothers and Sisters! So let us see how Qur’an is Book of Art and Science:

  • Qur’an asked human mind to make research of the universe.
  • When human mind started making search on the creation of the universe he wanted an answer.

The answers can only be given by the

Creator of the Universe.

  • Creator of the universe is Allah Who (SWT) is Omnipresent and nearer than the jugular vein where the contact is established between Allah and the human mind.

Brothers and Sisters! When contact is established between Allah and human mind then Allah teaches the human mind which he did not know i.e. Allah has revealed in the first revelation to Khatim ul Anbiyya (SAW) that He (SWT) teaches man which he did not know:

Translation Surah Al Alaq Ayat no. 5

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Who (Allah) has taught man that which he knew not.

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! The above rational analysis depicts that Qur’an is Book of Art and Science as well.


Brothers and Sisters! Spirituality is an element which keeps Allah and man closer to each other where the connection keeps on developing and Bandah becomes Vali (Friend) of Allah (Friend of Allah).

Brothers and Sisters! In short, when human mind makes research upon the universe and attributes every aspect of research to Allah, spiritually, the mind keeps on praising Allah and His attributes and qualities which keeps man closer to Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Praise of Allah is the highest of Ibadaah as Allah the first Ayat of the Qur’an asks for to Praise Allah:

Translation Surah Fatihah Ayat no.1

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Alhamdu Lillai Rabbil Ala’meen

All the Praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of Alamin (mankind, Jinn and all that exists)

Brothers and Sisters! When human mind makes research upon the creation of the universe and its properties are exposed to him then when he speaks out ‘Allah ho Akbar’ he is praising Allah which pleases Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! In fact, scientist should have been Aulia Allah (friends of Allah) should they have attributed their discoveries of the properties of the universe to Allah. But Shaitan let these achievements attribute to themselves and this is what has led mankind to digress from the Right Path.

Brothers and Sisters! However, it is not too lateCOMSAT University is in a position to make the scientific world realise that science can get them closer to Allah should they attribute every discovery to Him (SWT) and not consider it as their achievement.


Brothers and Sisters! Deen e Islam is the Way of Life which was given to Hazrat Adam (PBUH) when He (PBUH) was sent on the earth and completed upon Khatim ul Anbiyya Hazrat Mohammed (SAW). This fact has revealed in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Al Ma’idah Ayat no. 3

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

I have perfected your Deen for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your Way of Life.

Brothers and Sisters! The scholars have deduced that completion of Deen means that there is Guidance of Allah in every field:

  • social
  • economic
  • business dealings
  • employment
  • research of universe
  • matrimonial life,
  • divorce
  • inheritance
  • brought of children
  • education
  • war
  • rights
  • etc.

Brothers and Sisters!

In short you name a field and there will be

Guidance of Allah in the Qur’an.

Brothers and Sisters! It has been admitted by Non Muslims that Deen e Islam is complete Deen.


Brothers and Sisters! The name of Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) is on top of the list of Law Givers at Lincoln’s Inn in London being:

the ‘Greatest Law Giver’.

Brothers and Sisters! Non Muslims do not believe that Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) is Prophet of Allah and Qur’an has been revealed upon Him (SAW). They formed opinion that the Qur’an is composed by Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW).

Brothers and Sisters! You are Umaties of Khatim ul Anbiyya (SAW). It is your duty and responsibility to promote Deen e Islam to every corner of the world and this responsibility is assigned to you by Allah which He (SWT) has revealed in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Al Imran Ayat no. 110

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and his Sunnah]

  • are the best of people ever raised up for mankind;
  • you enjoin Al-Maruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and
  • forbid Al—Munker (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden, and you believe in Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Everyone is in this world for a short time. Anytime the Plane of Death can take you in the life hereafter where you will be asked what kind of environments you had created in the world:

  • good
  • bad or
  • polluted

Brothers and Sisters! The Pleasure of Allah can only be secured if you had created Good environments.

Are you ready to embark upon the Plane of Death?

May Allah be with you.

May Allah  be with You


[May Allah Bless You]