Call For Peace

Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]


Moment of Consideration for Ulema

Revival of Eman and Nikah


Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum!


Brothers and Sisters! The concept of Revival of Eman and Nikah can be surprising for you as when Muslim do Good Deeds, with the Grace of Allah, based on Eman upon Lone Entity of Allah, then why he needs to Revive his Eman? However, where a Muslim becomes disobedient to Allah under the influence of Naffas and Shaitan, Allah with His Grace, has opened door of Repentance and Forgiveness. Under the light of Qur’an and Hadith disobedient Muslim becomes sinful but does not get out of the Circle of Islam. Similarly, an Alim enter man and woman, with their mutual consent, in to wedlock for whole life then why they need to Revive Nikah? However, if the husband and wife cannot continue their matrimonial life for some reason then the wedlock is broken by Divorce.

Brothers and Sisters! Ulema e Karam say that Shaitan is enemy of mankind. As Allah has determined him as Kaffir, he tries that the Muslims get out of the Circle of Islam without knowing. As they will be out of Circle of Islam their Good Deeds shall not be acceptable by Allah (SWT) and they will become fuel of Hell that has been mentioned in the Qur’an, Word of Allah:


ترجمہ سورۃالاعراف آیت نمبر 18

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

کہا نکل یہاں سے برے حال سے مردود ہو کر ط جو کوئی ان میں سے تیری راہ پر چلے گا تو میں ضرور بھر دوں گا دوزخ کو تم سب سے۔


Translation Surah Al A’raf Ayat no. 18


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم


(Allah) said (to Iblis): “Get out from this (Paradise) disgraced and expelled. Whoever of them (mankind) will follow you, then surely, I will fill Hell with you all.”


Brothers and Sisters! Ulema e Karam say a Muslim due to customs, environments and atmosphere unconsciously utters a sentence that gets him out of the Circle of Islam where his Good Deeds i.e. Haqooq Allah and Haqooq ul Ibad are not acceptable by Allah (SWT) and his end is determined in Hell. However, if he realises at some point in time that he uttered a sentence where he is out of Circle of Islam, he must Revive his Eman and if he is married the husband and wife must Revive their Nikah.

Brothers and Sisters! Question emerges what are the sentences and deeds that get the Muslim out of Circle of Islam?

Brothers and Sisters! As below is the transcript of Sheikh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqashbandi Damat Barakatuhu. Humble representations are, please read and study the transcript with concentration and assess that if you have been out of Circle of Islam. Ulema e Karam say that when a Muslim gets out of the Circle of Islam the married Muslims Nikah become void.


Getting Out of Circle of Islam

……. Eman ought to be like this that Muslim see himself before Arsh of Allah and considers that if I would do Good Deeds, I will live in Paradise and if I would do Bad Deeds, I shall burn in Hell.

In this age it is very easy to lose Eman. Muslim may lose his Eman by small things.

Please listen this attentively. When the imperativeness of something is apparent then one can save it being wasted. And if the imperativeness of something is not apparent then one can waste it.

So, there must be imperativeness of Eman in our hearts where we shall be careful that it is not wasted. And you know, there are some sentences which the Muslim utter and they get out of the Circle of Islam and they are not aware of it. So نقل کفر کفر
نہ باشد
 (To copy Kuffar does not enter in Kuffar). Please listen to the sentences which get a Muslim out of Circle of Islam.

No 1

When somebody asks another person where does he live and he replied
خدا کے پچھواڑے. (Na’aua Billah! Back of Allah) he has become Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam. Ulema say that there cannot be ‘Back’ of Allah.

No 2

Hazrat Qazi Sana Pani Pati (RA) say to the effect that if somebody said to the effect that if Hazrat Adam (PBUH) had not eaten wheat I would not have been
بد بخت
 (Unlucky). To say such thing, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 3

If someone had been cruelling to another one. The victim made Dua’a to Allah to the effect that O Allah! Take revenge on my behalf and do not forgive him. O Allah! You may forgive him but I will not forgive him. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 4

If someone said to the effect that he is indifferent to reward and Anger of Allah, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 5

If someone had alcoholic drink or committed Zina by reciting Bismillah, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of circle of Islam.

No 6

When Muslim Ummah is Blessed with month of Ramadan and someone said to the effect: what an atrocity has arrived. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 7

If someone told another person that this is the Commend of Allah and the other person said to the effect: I do not believe in Allah’s Command. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 8

If someone wished and said to the effect: Alas! Zina had been allowed and murder had been allowed. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 9

Submission is submission. Ulema say that if someone is told that this thing is as per Shariat and the other person said to the effect: keep away Shariat. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 10

If someone said to the effect that if so and so had been Nabi I would not have embraced Eman. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 11

If someone had expended in the Path of Allah from Haram wealth and expected reward from Allah, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 12

If the beggar knows that he had been sponsored from Haram wealth and he made Dua’a for the Giver, the beggar becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 13

If a man asks a woman that she becomes Murtad then she will be divorced automatically. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 14

If someone said to the effect that he has no concern with religious congregations. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 15

If someone said to the effect, I need wealth, what is the use of ILM. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. Out of Circle of Islam.

No 16

If someone said to the effect that the ILM taught in Madaras are just tales. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 17

Somebody loaned someone. He asked the borrower to repay him in this world and I do not want to be repaid in the life hereafter. The borrower replied to the effect: if you have money, lend me and get repaid in the life hereafter. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 18

If someone regarded Haram as Halal, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 19

If someone tells that he is a Muslim and in response the other person said to the effect: Curse upon Muslims, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 20

A Muslim recited Azz’an. The listener said to the effect that he is lying, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 21

If anybody attributed a minute shortcoming in Anbiyya e Karam, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of circle of Islam. As per connotation of Hadith Anbiyya e Karam are innocent.

No 22

If someone asked other person to become Kaffir and in response he said to the effect: Yes! I have become Kaffir. By saying this he becomes Kaffir.

No 23

If someone said to the effect that this girl, this woman or wife is in loveable for me more than the Entity of Allah, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 24

If some said to the effect Allah is my Lord in Heavens and you are my Lord on earth, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 25

If someone said to the effect that Allah readily used to listen Dua’as. Don’t know where He (SWT) has gone. I have stopped offering Salat. By saying this he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 26

If someone had indigestion and he said to the effect the veins are reciting قل ھواللہ۔۔۔

he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

Brothers and Sisters! From the above it can be deduced that if the imperativeness of Eman is transfixed in heart then Muslims will be very careful while conversing and they will not say anything where a flaw emerges in their Eman.

The Transcript Ended

Brothers and Sisters! The following actions are of great imperativeness because Muslim Ummah does not pay attention:

No 1

If someone had expended in the Path of Allah from Haram wealth and expected reward from Allah, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.


No 2

If the beggar knows that he had been sponsored from Haram wealth and he made Dua’a for the Giver, the beggar becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

Brothers and Sisters! In this day of age there are many sources of Haram income. For example: financial interest, adulteration, deception, bribe, gambling etc. Muslims expend out of the resources in the path of Allah, pay Zakat, and perform Hajj and consciously or unconsciously expect reward form Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Under the light of the Sermons of Ulema e Karam that are based upon Qur’an and Hadith a Muslim gets out of the Circle of Islam in view of following beliefs and view points:

No 1

If any one denies a single attribute of Allah (SWT) he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of the Circle of Islam.

No 2

Alhamdu’lillah! Allah (SWT) had commissioned, more or less, 124,000 Anbiyya e Karam for mankind to revert to the Right Path where names of only 25 Anbiyya e Karam are mentioned in the Qur’an.

If a Muslim says to the effect that I do not believe in one Nabi whose name has not been mentioned in the Qur’an, he becomes Kaffir i.e. out of Circle of Islam.

No 3

To deny single Ayat of the Qur’an gets the Muslim out of the Circle of Islam.


Brothers and Sisters! Ulema e Karam reason of this fact that how to deny single attribute of Allah, not to believe in the Nabuwat of one Nabi and deny single Ayat of the Qur’an gets the Muslim out of the Circle of Islam. The reason is based upon an example:

No1: The digits are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

No 2: If one digit among these say: 3 is removed the rest of the digits will become meaningless.

Brothers and Sisters! Similarly, to deny one attribute of Allah, deny Eman upon one Nabi and deny one Ayat of the Qur’an, the Eman is incomplete. The Muslim whose Eman is incomplete her is out of the Circle of Islam.

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! Deen e Islam had been completed that has been revealed in the Qur’an:

سورۃ المائدہ آیت نمبر 3

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

۔۔۔۔۔۔۔الیوم اکملت لکم دینکم و اتممت علیکم نعمتی و رضیت لکم الاسلام دین ط۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

آج میں پورا کر چکا تمہارے لئے دین تمہارا اور پورا کیا تم پر میں نے احسان اپنا اور پسند کیا میں نے تمہارے واسطے اسلام کو دین۔


Translation Surah al Ma’idah Ayat no. 3


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

۔۔۔۔۔۔۔الیوم اکملت لکم دینکم و اتممت علیکم نعمتی و رضیت لکم الاسلام دین ط۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

I have perfected your Deen (Way of Life) for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your Deen (Way of Life).

Brothers and Sisters! Ulema e Karam say that as Allah (SWT), with His Grace, has completed Deen e Islam so if a Muslim makes even a minute change and adaptation, he is out of the circle of Islam. Allah (SWT) has revealed in the Qur’an and the Jew Ulema used to make changes and adaptations in the Books of Allah to satisfy their Sensual Appetite:

ترجمہ سورۃ البقرۃ آیت نمبر 79

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

سو خرابی ہے ان کو جو لکھتے ہیں کتاب اپنے ہاتھ سے پھر کہہ دیتے ہیں یہ خدا کی طرف سے ہے تاکہ لیویں اس پر تھوڑا سا مول ط سو خرابی ہے ان کو اپنے ہاتھ کے لکھے سے اور خرابی ہے ان کو اپنی کمائی سے۔


Translation Surah Al Baqrah Ayat No 79

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah”, to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn by.

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! You must have assessed yourself with honesty and integrity whether a sentence had been uttered where you may have been out of circle of Islam or any action has been done that has thrown you out of the Circle of Islam. It is believed that you must have been bestowed Toffeeq to revive your Eman and if married Revive your Nikah.

Brothers and Sisters! Ulema e Karam say that if after being out of Circle of Islam Eman is not revived and Nikah is not revived, if married, the Hell shall keep hosting forever.

Brothers and Sisters! There are some deeds where the Good Deeds are not presented before the Entity of Allah for acceptance. If repentance and forgiveness in not sought of such deeds then one has to keep burning in Hell for a long time to cleanse the Naffas. In this respect the summary of the Sermon of Molana Manzoor Yusuf Damat Barakatuhu is presented. The Sermon’s duration is 45 minutes. Sermon can be listened on website:


Summary Sermon Molana Manzoor Yusuf DB

7 Logon Ke Amal Mardood


7 Logon Ke Amal Mardood By Molana Manzoor Yusuf Sahib

Brothers and Sisters! When a Bandah does Good Deeds go toward Allah (SWT) and the Angels reach before Allah (SWT) with these Good Deeds. It has been revealed in the Qur’an Ayat…. the Good deeds that emerge from body of the Bandah those go towards Allah (SWT) along with Dhikr of Allah.

The Angels are appointed who take these Good Deeds before Allah (SWT). But there are some Muslims whose Deeds are not presented before Allah (SWT). When Angels take these Deeds towards Heavens they are stopped and all Deeds are thrown at the Muslim who has done those Deeds and it is being said to the effect: we do not need your Deeds and your Deeds are not


There is a lengthy Hadith of Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW).

Alhamdu’lillah! A Muslim came to see Hazrat Mua’az bin Jabal (RTU) and petitioned Him (RTU) to tell the substance of the Hadith He (RTU) had listened from Prophet (SAW).

The narrator says that Mua’az bin Jabal started crying and He (RTU) cried in such a manner that He (RTU) will not stop crying. Even the congregation started crying.

When He (RTU) stopped crying He (RTU) mentioned a sentence of Khatim ul Anbiyya (SAW) where the context is to the effect:

O Mua’az! I am going to tell you such a thing, if you remember it and save it and acted upon it, it will benefit you. And if you did not remember and did not act upon it, then remember! Allah’s reason will be completed upon you and on the Day of Judgment you cannot escape by saying:

I did not know about it.

Then Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) mentioned that thing and said to the effect:

Before the creation of Heavens and the earth Allah (SWT) created seven Angels and thereafter created Heavens and Earth. Among these seven Angels each Angels has been appointed as caretaker at every Heaven.

When Angels take the Deeds of Muslims to present before Allah (SWT) then the care taker Angels check the Deeds, investigate Deeds to see what kind of Deeds have been brought. The Deeds that had been done for the sake of Allah (SWT) they let them take before Allah (SWT). The Deeds that have not been done for the sake of Allah (SWT); those are stopped.

First Heaven

He (SAW) said to the effect when Hifza Jama’at reaches First Heaven and knocks the door, the Nigahban (caretaker) Angel asks whose deeds are being taken before Allah (SWT). He is told that the deeds belong to such and such person. The Nigahban Angel says that Allah (SWT) has appointed me where I do not let go the deeds of people who used to back biting. Take these deeds back and throw on the face of doer and tell him that these deeds are not required. Why you ate the meat of people. If Salat has been performed, Qur’an has been recited, expended in the Path of Allah but as the sin of Backbiting is among the deeds, these deeds shall be stopped.

Brothers and Sisters! Everyone must assess his whole life where we had been under impression that we have sent a treasure of Good Deeds for the life hereafter and when we shall reach in the life hereafter, we will learn that not a single deed has reached.

Second Heaven

Brothers and Sisters! Then He (SAW) told to the effect that the Hifza Jama’at will pass the First Heaven. They are being stopped by the Nigahban Angel at the Second Heaven and says that these deeds are not allowed to be taken before Allah (SWT). He tells that Allah (SWT) has appointed me that I do not let go the deeds of the person who used to earn Dunia by Good Deeds. He used to earn good name by doing Good Deeds.

Third Heaven

Brothers and Sisters! It is mentioned in the Hadith to the effect that Hifza Jama’at reaches Third Heaven the Nigahban Angel says to the effect that Allah (SWT) has appointed me not to let go the deeds of a person who is conceited (Takabar). This is person who uses to consider himself superior to others and consider others inferior.

He (SAW) said to the effect that if there is conceitedness in the heart of person as little as an atom, Allah (SWT) will not let him enter in Paradise.

Fourth Heaven

Brothers and Sisters! He (SAW) said to the effect that when Hifza Jama’at will reach Fourth Heaven the Nigahban Angel will stop for this reason that the deeds of this person are stopped because he uses to take pride (Gharoor).

There is subtle difference between Takabar and Gharoor. Takabar is where a person considers himself superior and others inferior. Gharoor is where a person has treasure of Good Deeds and he takes pride. To take pride on the basis of good deeds or wealth or dynasty is not allowed.

Fifth Heaven

Brothers and Sisters! The connotation of Hadith is to the effect that when Angels will take the deeds of a Muslim on the Fifth Heaven the Nighaban Angel will not let them go because this Muslim had ‘Jealousy’ for other people.

The Prophet (SAW) said to the effect that the jealously burns the deeds of Muslim like fire burns the wood.

Sixth Heaven

Brothers and Sisters! On the Sixth Heaven the Nighaban Angel will stop the Hifza Jama’at to move forward on the basis that the Muslim did not look after other people. If someone is sick, or in some difficulty and he did not use to relieve him.

Not to rescue someone in trouble is a crime. The Nighaban Angel will say to the effect that his second crime is that it used to please him when someone was in some problem. Under the light of Qur’an and Hadith it is sign of ‘Hypocrisy’ if it pleases someone when somebody is trouble.

Seventh Heaven

Brothers and Sisters! The connotation of Hadith is to the effect that Hifza Jama’at will reach Seventh Heaven. To reach at Seventh Heaven means that the Muslim was free of backbiting, earn Dunia by good deeds, conceitedness, pride, jealousy, not being merciful. At the Seventh Heaven the Hifza Jama’at will be stopped because in every deed there was element of Ria Kari (Show off).

Brothers and Sisters! The connotation of another Hadith is to the effect that the Hifza Jama’at will cross the Seventh Heaven and Angels of the Seventh Heaven will join Hifza Jama’at. The Deeds shall be shining and their shine would be greater than the shine of Sun. When Angels will reach in the presence of Allah (SWT), Allah will ask them to reject the deeds of the Muslim.

Brothers and Sisters! Angels will say to the effect: O Allah! This Muslim did Good Deeds to seek Your Pleasure.

Brothers and Sisters!
Allah (SWT) shall say to the effect: O Angels! I had appointed you to write deeds of this Bandha. You have written. But I Myself is Nighaban of his heart. You do not know what is in his heart. There is Ria Kari (show off) in his heart, there is conceitedness in his heart.

Brothers and Sisters! Then Allah (SWT) will say to the effect that ‘Curse’ upon the one who did not do deeds for My sake.

Brothers and Sisters! Then Angels will call out: O Allah! If You are cursing him who did not do deed for your sake, we also send ‘Curse’ upon him.

Brothers and Sisters! We ought to assess that these crimes are not within ourselves where our deeds have not been accepted by Allah (SWT). We recited Qur’an, we kept Fasts of month of Ramadan and did Good Deeds. But ‘backbiting’, jealousy, not looking after others, conceitedness, pride, Ria Kari will delete our deeds.

Brothers and Sisters! Everyone must realise that the life in the world is short where he has been sent to seek Pleasure of Allah. If in this short time one has not secured success for the life hereafter, he is the unluckiest person.

End of Sermon

Brothers and Sisters! A summary of another Sermon of Maulana Manzoor Yusuf Damat Barakatuhu is presented where three sins are mentioned that may bring a Muslim to the edge of Kuffar.

Sermon Maulana Manzoor Yusuf Damat Barakatuhu

Three Sins that bring Muslim to Kuffar


3 Gunah Insan Ko Kufar Tak Pohancha Detay Hein

By Maulana Manzoor Yousuf Sahib

Ayat……. No doubt despondent is the one who do ‘Kuffar’ act i.e. Kaffirs are despondent from the Blessings of Allah (SWT).

Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) mentioned three great sins where a Muslim may be out of the Circle of Islam.

First Sin: Shirk

Brothers and Sisters! The first sin is ‘Shirk’. Shirk deletes every Good Deed. Shirk is such a great sin where a Muslims Eman becomes hollow like termite eats the wood. Ria Kari is also Shirk where Prophet (SAW) has determined it as a very thin Shirk and a Muslim hardly realises it. To show off, not seeking Raza of Allah, this lets the Muslim out of Circle of Islam. It is a great sin.

Second Sin: Fearless of Allah (SWT)

Brothers and Sisters! The second sin that can bring near to Kuffar is to become ‘Fearless’ of Allah and become under the impression that Allah will not torture the criminal. For example: Christian believe that Allah has forgiven the sins of all mankind by, Nauz Billah, crucifying His Son, Hazrat Essa (PBUH). To determine such belief is a great sin.

آیت۔۔۔۔۔ کیا تم بے خبر ہو گئے ہو، تم مطمئن ہوکر بیٹھ گئے ہو اس اللہ سے جو آسمانوں میں ہے کہ وہ آسمان سے کوئی عذاب کا کوڑا برسائے اور تمہیں ہلاک کر دے؟ کیا تم مطمئن ہو گئے ہو کہ اللہ پاک زمین میں زلزلہ واقع کر دے اور تمہیں زمین میں غرق کر دے اپنے اندر، ڈبودے؟ کیا تم اس بات سے مطمئن ہو؟

Ayat………… have you become unaware and feel satisfied that Allah (SWT) Who is in Heavens fall upon you torture and kill you? Have you become satisfied that Allah Commands earthquake to let the earth swallow you?

Brothers and Sisters! To become fearless of Allah and feel satisfied that Allah will not punish criminals and cruel people, such belief brings Muslim to the brink of Kuffar. So, one ought not to develop such feelings where he can become determined to sin.

Third Sin: Despondence

Brothers and Sisters!
اور تیسرا جو گناہ ہے جو مسلمان کو کفر تک پہنچا دیتا ہے وہ اللہ تعالٰی کی رحمت سے مایوسی ہے The third sin that brings Muslim to the brink of Kuffar is despondence for the Blessings of Allah (SWT). A person keeps on committing sin and then assumes that he will not be forgiven by Allah, this is great sin. The one who becomes despondent from the Blessings of Allah, he in fact, has not recognised the Blessings of Allah.


Brothers and Sisters! In short, these are three sins which delete the deeds of Muslim: یہ تین گناہ انسان کے اعمال کو برباد کر دیتے ہیں

  • shirk,
  • becoming fearless of Qaher of Allah (SWT)
  • becoming despondent of Blessings of Allah

Brothers and Sisters! Please remember that Eman is in between the two sins i.e. becoming fearless of the Qaher of Allah and becoming despondent of Blessings of Allah. Muslim ought not to be so much hopeful that Allah is Rehman and Raheem that he stops doing any Good Deeds i.e.

  • no performance of Salat
  • not keeping fast
  • not to pay Zakat
  • not to perform Hajj
  • not to refrain from committing sins

Brothers and Sisters! Eman is that one is hopeful of Allah’s Blessings and also do Good Deeds.

Brothers and Sisters! On the other hand, he becomes so much despondent of his sins that he will not be forgiven by Allah (SWT). This is not right either. لیکن یاد رکھئیے یہ جو دوسرے دو گناہ بتلائے ہیں، بے خوف ہو جاتا اور مایوس ہو جانا، ایمان ان دونوں کے بیچ کا نام ہے۔ Eman is in between hope and fear. Therefore, the Ulema say that a Muslim in his youth fear Qaher of Allah and when he gets old, white beard, he ought to be hopeful that Insha’allah! Allah with forgive with His Grace. ایمان اس کا نام ہے کہ اللہ تبارک و تعالٰی کی ذات عالی سے پر امید بھی رہے اور ساتھ عمل بھی کرے۔Being hopeful of forgiveness he must keep doing Good Deeds.

End of Sermon

Brothers and Sisters! Shaitan has always been making efforts that Muslims get out of the Circle of Islam. In this Scientific Age the digression from the Right Path is moving towards optimum level where majority of Muslim Ummah has digressed from the Right Path and openly deny the teachings od Shariat. Sin is not considered as sin and the Muslims who try to expend their life in accordance with the teachings of Deen e Islam, they are being joked about.

Brothers and Sisters! With due respect, please assess honestly with sincerity of heart and mind of your life to see that you have not uttered a sentence or did such deed where you are out of the Circle of Islam and you are falling in the valleys of Hell and you are not aware of it.

Brothers and Sisters! Please forward this email to your friends and relatives and point out while exchanging views that how unknowingly Muslim gets out of the Circle of Islam where Revival of Eman and Revival of Nikah becomes obligatory.



Revival of Eman and Revival of Nikah

Brothers and Sisters! To revive Eman and Revive Nikah the presence of an Alim is not necessary.

Brothers and Sisters! Mufti Akmal Damat Barakatuhu has told the method of Revival of Eman and Revival of Nikah at programme Ahkam e Shariat in TV channel ARY. As below the transcript of answer to the question by Mufti Akmal Damat Barakatuhu is copied in respect of Revival of Eman and Revival of Nikah. The questioner’s question was to the effect: what is the method of Revival of Eman and Revival of Nikah?

تجدید ایمان اور تجدید نکاح

احکام شریعت


Ahkam e Shariat – 28th January 2018 – ARY QTV

10.25 Minutes

A sister asked question, please tell us the method of Revival of Eman and Revival of Nikah.

The method of Revival of Eman and Revival of Nikah is very simple.

کہ یا رب کریم سابقہ زندگی میں مجھ سے اگرکوئی کلمہ کفر جان بوجھ کر یا غلطی سے سرزد ہو گیا ہو یا کوئی خطا یا گناہ ہو گیا ہو اور جس سے میرے ایمان میں خلل پیدا ہو گیا ہو تو میں صدق دل سے معافی مانگتا ہوں /مانگتی ہوں، میری توبہ کو اپنے فضل و کرم سے قبول فرما لیں

O Allah! In my past life should I had uttered a sentence or did deed, knowingly or unknowingly where vacuum emerged in my Eman, I beg forgiveness with sincerity of my heart. Please, with Your Grace, accept my repentance, and I promise to be careful in future.

After this please recite Kalema Tayyibah and/or Kalema ShahadatAlhamdu’lillah! Your Eman has Revived.

To Revive Nikah it is necessary that husband and wife must be present. Moreover, there must of two witnesses who are adult and in their senses. The witness can be adult sons and also adult family members. There is no need of an Alim.

The husband and wife should sit facing each other.

Wife ought to say to her husband to the effect:

میں آپ کو اجازت دیتی ہوں کہ آپ میرا نکاح اپنے ساتھ کرلیں

I permit you to take me in your Nikah.

The Husband in response ought to say to the effect:

میں نے تمہارا نکاح اپنے ساتھ کیا

I took you in my Nikah.

When husband has said: I took you in my Nikah, Alhamdu’lillah!
Nikah has been Revived.

It is better to say it three times. However, to say only once is enough. There is no need for new Haq Maher.

It is better to Revive Eman now and then and also every three month or six months Nikah ought to be revived as unknowingly as sentences may be uttered where vacuum emerges in Eman.

کبھی کبھار یا روزانہ تجدید ایمان کرلیا کریں اور کبھی تین مہینے یا چھ مہینے میں تجدید نکاح ہو جائے۔ اسی طرح گھر میں رہتے ہوئے بہتر ہوتا ہے نادانستہ طور پرزبان سے کچھ کلمات ایسے نکل سکتے ہیں جن سے ایمان میں خلل پیدا ہو جائے۔

Khatim ul Anbiyya Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) said to the effect: sometimes one utters such sentences and he does not realise its severity. But such sentence can become source of going into Hell.

So, efforts ought to be made to Revive Eman, habitually.

آپ صل اللہ علیہ وسلم نے ارشاد فرمایا کہ بعض اوقات انسان اپنی زبان سے ایسے کلمات نکالتا ہے جس کی قباحت کااس کو احساس نہیں ہوتا۔ لیکن یہی کلمہ اس اس کے لئے جہنم میں جانے کاسببب بن جاتے ہیں۔ تو اس لئے کوشش کرنی چاہیے کہ یہ اپنی عادت میں شامل کرلیں، بہترہے۔

The Answer Ends

Please Remember in Dua’as


Naseer Aziz

Principal Call for Peace

May Allah  be with You


[May Allah Bless You]