Call For Peace

Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]




Brothers and Sisters! 

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Promotion is an advertising campaign in a series of advertisement messages that share single idea and theme which make up an integrated communication.

Brothers and Sisters! Peace is an element which everyone is looking for and also making efforts to achieve it day and night but is not succeeding.


Brothers and Sisters! Peace lies in ‘Spirituality’. Spirituality is achieved when the contact is established with the Creator i.e. the Lone Entity of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah (all Praises to Allah)! The project: Call for Peace has been designed to establish contact with Allah spiritually which need to be promoted at every level. This is why the letter has been written to:


  • Prof. Richard Dawkins 
  • John Humphrys Journalist and Broadcaster Radio BBC 4

Authorities: Members of Parliament

  • Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister UK
  • Ed Miliband Leader Labour Party UK

  • David Miliband MP UK

Muslim Scholars

  • Molana Rashid of Zakria Masjid in Bolton; Photo not available

Non – Muslim Scholars

  • Archbishop of Canterbury


  • The brothers and sisters who expressed their views on the websites.

    Brothers and Sisters! Please read the letters to the above on website: and promote this to your friends and relatives and anyone you can think of.

May Allah  be with You


[May Allah Bless You]