Call For Peace

Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Deen e Islam

[Way to Peace]



John Humphrys


Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

For a news readers or news listener John Humphrys will not be a new name as he is renowned journalist and broadcaster who recently is rendering his services at BBC Radio 4 based at London in England.

Brothers and Sisters! To have detailed introduction of John Humphrys please search on Google network and browse his profile

Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah (All Praises to Allah)! I had been listening to BBC Radio 4 for over ten years and I enjoyed his style of analysing the current issues, interviewing personnel at every level. The most I enjoy and appreciate is his attribute of ‘independence’. The best example of John Humphrys quality of ‘independence’ could be judged from the following extract published in the newspaper.

Guardian 30 09 04 which I had heard live when he was interviewing Prime Minister Tony Blair. The perspective of this dialogue is the base of Iraq War which was launched on the Basis that President Sadam Hussain had Weapon of Mass Destruction.

John Humphrys: “If another situation like this arises, God forbid, and you have to go to the House of Commons and say: ‘There is this country that is threatening us and it is developing weapons of mass destruction,’
isn’t the truth that people will laugh at you: you simply couldn’t do it. 

“if your judgement is wrong on this … let me put this very bluntly, you would not be fit to be prime minister, would you, because this is profoundly Important?”

(Ref: The Guardian 30 September 2004)

(I had also listened to this interview)

Brothers and Sisters! John Humphrys was an atheist and he wanted to make it known to the people all over the world. He wanted to believe in the existence of Allah where he interviewed scholars of three main faiths: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In one of his interviews he expressed how desperate he was to believe in the existence of Allah. As below is the extract:

J Humphrys: Let us get back to my search which the programme is supposed to be but I suppose I can say to you , will say to you, I want to believe, I have opened my heart, if you like I gone down on my knees night after night and I have tried talking to god and I have failed. Why can’t I say: wait a minute you have faith lucky chap. I want it and I want to perhaps just as ancillary as you do.

Brothers and Sisters! In short, John Humphrys was not convinced by any of the scholars that Allah exists which led him to write book: In God We doubt: Confession of a Failed Atheist:

Brothers and Sisters! I received a letter from John Humphrys dated 6 September 2007 which reads as follows:

Dear Mr Aziz

You may remember I replied to you some months ago after you had written to me about my Radio 4 series ‘Humphrys in search of God’. There was I think I told you at the time, a quite extraordinary response to the programme: the biggest response to anything I have been involved with in almost fifty years of journalism. That is reason I am writing you again. I thought you might like to know that I decided to write a book about god based partly on the Radio 4 interviews but also on that response.

Those thousands of letter and emails provided a fascinating insight into what many people think about God: why they believe or do not believe and the effect that has had on their lives. I have devoted a large chunk of the book to those letters.

It is called: In God We Doubt: Confession of a Failed Atheist and it is being published this month by Hodder and Stoughton. It deals with the reasons why so many of us find it difficult to accept the existence of an all – powerful God but think of ourselves a agnostic rather than atheist.

Brothers and Sisters! You can read the letter of John Humphrys to me on option: Humphrys in search of Allah by logging website: under link: Humphrys Reply.

Brothers and Sisters! Unfortunately, I have not yet had an opportunity to read the book: In God We Doubt: Confession of a Failed AtheistInsha’allah (Allah Willing) when I shall read the book I shall try to make critical analysis because it may well give me the base to repudiate the reasons which are hindrances in believing the existence of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! However, I believe that if John Humphrysand agnostic and atheists read the letters to John Humphrys and article on this website and also browse option: Humphrys in Search of Allah on website: with an open mind, they will be able to believe in the Unseen Entity of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Insha’allah (Allah Willing) the people who will believe in the existence of Allah when they will read the letters and articles it will strengthen their Eman and Yaqeen (faith and certainty) upon the Lone Entity of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! I leave you to read the letters and article and Dua’a to Allah is that you read the letters and articles with open mind and may Allah gives you Toffeeq (help) to understand and appreciate the essence which has been tried to convey in the letters and article.

May Allah  be with You


[May Allah Bless You]